After my last blog, it was fairly smooth sailing regarding getting on the plane, getting my veggie food and having the plane leave. There were fewer passengers so I got an empty seat next to me and was able to scrunch up and get a few hours sleep. I must say that we bounced very badly for several hundred miles around Alaska and I was having to think stable thoughts to keep everything in place.
I think I was rather taken back at my arrival at JFK and really thought I was coming into a 3rd world country. We stood at the baggage claim #4 and then were told to go to #6 and there were told that they apologize but due to the snow, our bags were delayed. I wondered if they pulled them behind the plane. I paid the 3 dollars for a broken cart to help tote my four pieces of luggage... got through custom no problem. As the gypsies know, when you take the Air Train, you end up going outside to get into the terminal. I did not have my jacket or sweater on and found myself outside with hundreds of people waiting to check in. Everyone gave me advise.. no if you don't have a boarding pass or yes the line is for everyone.. no direction, no order. I opted to go in and use the self check in and then wait in the inside line for about 20 min. When I got off the plane, I thought I would have lots of time to get a donut and coffee (nope never got use to rice soup for breakfast).,..but when I left this line I went to a very long line to go upstairs to security. That moved at a snails pace and when I did get to security, they wanted to know what this solid chuck was in the carry on.. my wooden Buddha head form Cambodia...So I had to unpack and explain etc.. finally the woman with no personality or humor who was checking me in let me go... It was at that point that I entered a surreal experience. The gates were totally filled with people laying on the floor, babies crying, and people slumped over chairs. I thought the Rochester plane, leaving at 9:15 was at gate 10, but that said San Diego but was also folks who thought they should be there since they have been trying to get out for a day to go to Aruba. There were lines for the donut and short lines for coffee. I could not find Rochester on the flights to go list.. then I saw it .. then it was cancelled.. and then it was gone.. it was crazy. Some folks had been there since Tues. I got in the line the stretched almost half the length of the building.. this was customer service. I waited in that line for another 1/2 hr when a guy came along who looked like he knew what he was doing and so I asked.. what about Rochester. He said not to quote him, but there was a plane going to Rochester that would leave about 11 at gate 10...where I had started. There were so few chairs and so many people. There was only four toilet stalls and they were getting dirtier by the minute since stream was greater than the clean up person and baskets could hold.. Whoever you asked, told you something else. I met some great folks that helped me watch my stuff while I located some eggs and coffee. I could tell my blood sugar level was suffering along with my feet. We all read the newspaper headlines that Jet Blue had fallen apart the day before.. hard to believe since they were falling apart today. The employees all said it is never like this, management walked about looking stunned and passengers just wanted updates. First no plane, then runway iced, then plane needed to deice, then no crew.. etc. I got home at 4:30.....longest day of my life.. and my suitcase was tore.. and some things had dropped out.. oh well.. not is permanent.. but it will be hard to get on a Jet Blue plane in the near future.. thank for sharing my journey...b
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
expensive blog
this is 100 bt for 20 min... Kim tells me the snow is bad and jet blue cancelled flights today.. oh well... The airport needs help... traveling alone is very bad when you have to push your cart into the bathroom and change with the door open.. I was thinking of Lilli Tomlin.. and at the corner of walk and don't walk.. I did ok.. but I think I must have been a bag lady in another life. There were no Americans in the line.. I am not sure who is worse.. Italians and French.. anyway.. I am not sure there is any skin left on the back of my heel after being run over for an hour plus. I got my extra bag shrink wrapped.. and they did not charge me.. I am carrying on two bags. I negotiated for 4 elephant bracelets and a frog.. for 500 bt.. that I is in my carry on.. something wrong with these priorities. Anyway.. I am boarding at 12:25.. and it looks like a go.. hope we land in NY...and I can get to Roch today.. it is time to come home.. bye for now...b
almost the last
Had a great day in Chinatown.. got completely turned around but kept walking until I found something that I could locate on the map. New Year is coming up.. very exciting. Well I will tell you one thing.. don't think you want to be a very pale older Farang looking for opium weights in the middle of Chinatown. First.. they hardly speak Thai.. and I can't and they did not opium.. and then looked at my ex-catholic school and wide eyes and decided I did not mean the poppy.. I thought for a minute that it was not going to be good.. but my smiling way kept me alive. I spend hours there and was beyond hot and tired. So I took the sky way to back to Siam and had a card dinner. You get a card and walk around and buy what you want... so I had an Indian dish, an Italian dish and the Thai dish. It is much more expensive. What until you see the pictures.. I took so of me in front of Cartier.. another world. The woman are beautiful and believe me the do not sweat. I did give up on the wts.. prudence told me I should live to get home even if I am stuck in the snow in NYC.. I did accost a hilltribe woman and got 4 bracelets and a frog for Sheila.. 500 bt total.. that was good. Oh.. I got on the sky way.. walked one block and found the Beautiful Optical company.. hey.. 180 bucks and I can see... they are Marie Claire who ever that is.. It is 5 after 7.. need to gather my strength to haul my stuff a half block and wait for the bus. This is no place to be if you are concerned about being clean.. b.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Last Breakfast
You might know...I have tried everywhere on the Road for coffee.. and this am, not only did I find the best (in a mug) coffee..but the most beautiful woman that I have seen. I did not take a picture of her since she was still very shy. I had OJ and a roll.. happy bonny starting off this am. I went back to the room early last night and read the Bangkok novel. It is not "my kind of reading"... lord I sound like my Mom ... I gave her some pretty heavy black lit one year and she returned it with those very remarks. Anyway.. I read.. and also listened.. there was a singer.. (not the boom boom noise of rm 503) but a person who was using some variation in his voice with English words that someone paid him to do .. and he called himself a singer. One of the problems I have with hearing is .. I can only hear out of one side... but one of the problems I also have is that having played the violin for 8 years.. I have very good pitch.. Mr. Wobblier did not. So.. I turned off the light and went back to my audio book book of my teacher. I have been giving some real thought to control. Living in this developing country with much fewer Am than usual, I am fairly isolated. The services people guess when you order Chaing bear..and they know it is chung.. etc. But last night in the Tuk tuk... I was very relaxed.. very at ease... I bet my heart rate did not miss a beat.. While it was my life that I thought might be lost or maimed, there was little I could do about it. We can only make choices when we have choices .. educated guesses- I guess that is the free will part. but we never can see the whole picture so we are not in "control". We grow up with a set of conditioning that tells us how to act and what to do.. and in our culture.. how to do it .. the "right way" - much of it is egosentric conditioning. Is there a right way? When I was young.. catholics could not be cremated.. then they ran out of room to bury in Rome. so they creamated and it was ok... I am happy that I live the life I live and try to follow the Precepts.. it is simple.. don't take a life, don't steal, don't lie.. don't get intoxicated, don't use sex indiscriminately. As you expand that.. you get more complicated.. like don't steal someone's time and effort.. etc.. but it is really just that.. tend to your own business. Watch what you are doing.. and don't put too much of the cultural.. this is the way.. that is not the way.. you are too this or that. Advise.. is rarely wanted or needed but given so freely by everyone with an opinion. Maybe that is the rub.. if we are just watching.. just observing.. there is no room to judge. I want to learn not to intervene.. you know.. if you put the juice in plastic cups.. you could set it down.. well if you serve it in a plastic bag.. you can hang it.. carry it on your scooter.. etc.. is there a right way? a situational way? Well...give a choice.. but keep the price the same etc etc. does this make for complications or simplicity.. Everyone spends much time trying to make someone into some mold.. cookie cutters of what and how we should be.. rather than .. go .. don't kill, steal, lie.. but have compassion for yourself.. live mindfully.. and observe. The more I smile to people.. the more they smile back.. the more I try to say please and thank you.. from my heart.. the more it is heard... simple.. I love the honesty of most of the gypsies that I travelled with..and the fresh openness and humor. I was so happy to spend most of the journey with folks with integrity.. a rare pleasure. I have given an animal name to each person on the trip.. and when I write my post script.. I will add a line or two about each.. you are each important to the journey. I am off to the boat and Chinatown. The some r&r in the park.. a meditation in a Wat.. pick up the glasses.. get back here for the bus..and the airport.. I will post once more time tonight.. for now.. bye for now.. Sawatee Ka . b.
well almost the last night
It is now about 8:15pm on Tuesday night. After I blogged, I hurried back to the room remembering I left my ipod charging. Something is wrong with the key card and the power stays on when the key comes out.. so I am one happy person to walk into a cool room. I think since the room is on the other side, it might miss the disc...but I want the ipod just in case. My stuff is packed and I have my bus ticket for 8pm. Figured I might as well get there and change and check in and the walk for an hour. I have mastered getting around the city during the day.. you pay 13 bt and take the water taxi to Center and then walk a few feet to the sky train.. get a 5 point ticket for 30 bt... change at Siam and you can get half way to someplace in record time. It is amazing how fast you can travel when you are not on land. So after my beer and spicy rice wtih veggies which has come to be my staple meal...I did the water air travel toward the gem store. I had a general idea where it was.. R IV and in what section.. so I got off and started to walk. I came to a university where there was a display about a bird that is almost distinct.. I had asked at the post in front what the address was of the university and they pushed me from pillar to post until I was in a classroom with Peter..a kiwi and the Director of Services.. who is looking desperately for an English teacher. I asked where the gem place was.. and she went off to call leaving Peter and I alone. In seconds I found that he had been here for 5 years earlier and then tried to have a travel business with another woman.. and then he got out of that and now he is "with" the Director.. her family is not fond of the arrangement and the men don't treat the women well.. and and ... well I have all of her info and where to get the paperwork started etc. They are hoping to leave BKK soon and I can think of a million places I would rather be.. but it was fun and flattering. I got a lesson in mindful attention.. when I left the school and was walking down the street..I fell... and scrapped my left elbow and got sand all over me.. I am now in my corn hill shirt from the Nick/Ira poster year.. and my strings and my spit upon tied shaman deal .. dusting me off as I walk into the Gen place.. I estimated I had walked about 3-4 miles in the blistering 92 degree after noon heat.. I was dry and dirty and hit the water table at the front as if I had staggered across the desert. Folks did notice me....I was not in a long skirt with my hair back.. nor did I arrive with a group . or in a cab.... They did not give me too much trouble about the back of the earing.. and then I asked about GP's Saphire.. first I thought she was going to laugh but she stayed battened up. She took me to the cut gems that are not in a setting.. a saphire of the size I was looking for does not come without a setting in this store.. they have small one like the one in my earring.. but the substantial would be set. So my long hard day and fall were for a back.. I bought a cheap bracelet and she insisted on cabbing me to someplace.. so I took the Siam plaza.. so I could be reminded that all of Thailand is not poor.. I was going to wear a sign.. my Prada is home.... I had a nice thai/italian dinner.. and then went to get a cab... I know they give cabs to everyone before the road.. so.. I just asked the tuktuk driver..and we agreed up 150. I have finally found a tuktuk with road rage. it was a beyond wild ride with me bracing at every turn... we missed an accident by inches and finally got pulled over. The driver got a lecture and when I could see the junk art store.. I said.. let me out here.. and almost kissed the ground. Well been her a long long time..home tomorrow
last night in BKK
I got up very early.. the folks at the hotel were sleeping on the floor.. I woke then as I left and went t the train station. The #36 express was 40 min late but only made three stops between there and here.. great.. I managed to drop my little purse as I tried to balance coffee and bags etc. That has been a faithful travel partner. When I got to the central terminal, I could not find my map. I wondered about and finally got a cab to the Star.. well I am across the hall and a little back.. I checked the email and nothing re gems from anyone.. I am going to the Jim Thompson area tomorrow.. very good silk .. one of the original places to buy it. I is opposite the beautiful optical company.. so if you want something in silk and are willing to pay 900 bt a yard, let me know.. I am going to OD on pineapple today.. and I am cool.. so.. bye
Monday, February 12, 2007
End of the day - last Monday
Earlier in the day, I had seen a sign for a waterfall that looked to be about11 miles out of town... well I had rented the bike for a day.. so I pulled the little deal up the hot mountain road .. I actually found an important ministry with lots of monks and monkeys. It was hysterical to watch a little one in a jacket playing you can't catch me with some woman. It was a great ride.. I got more sun than I should have.. but oh the vit D. I see the Oswego area has 107 inches and it is 28 degrees.. lordy.. I will probably be in for a body fright. I think if I do come this way again, I will get a scooter.. not in BKK... you can die of car exhaust there.. but here it is great. GP... the woman next to me is buy/selling.. you don't need to be home...I don't want to stare..but it looks like gold. There are condos for sale 4m 300K... this is a resort town.. no fisherman pants here... (except mine.) I was afraid to put gas in the I gave the woman 100 bt rather than fill it up.. she was happy since the bike only cost 200bt for the day. Not having a 2cy oil/gas engine.. it could have been costly. Hey it toted me around.. I could pick it up and turned toward the traffic. Only one sorta .. uncomfortable.. the real express bus was turning across my lane.. he waited .. smart man. I think a few were surprised to see this older Farang woman .. flying over the mountains on a broken down scooter and helmet that probably fit Attila the hun...a little strap under the chin and no padding.. I am alive and well and very very happy I did not let me talk me out of it. Another great shower and then a facial.. nice spa .. she did a super job and then decided I needed my hand nails trimmed.. I was lying there with my eyes closed.. when she said.. same color.. so I said yes. I work up to bright red color like my toes... I thanked her graciously and gave her 460 bt for the entire project. By the time I got my sneakers on with the wet nails.. I was off to the 7/11 to get polish remover.. and my train nuts. It is 7:30... too early for bed.. and not a good thing to have lots of beer.. and I can't take Gorillas of the mist.. (HBO movie) nor much more FOX... only stations that get in.. I did watch a health show about aloe.. I made up the words but I think he cured the woman... fun ... The woman at this place is very competent.. I did something and got Japanese...not good.. don't think you can read it. I have the sniffles so I will go take my homeopathic stuff.. shower again.. pack.. sleep in the undies.. and out the door at 5 for the 5:20 plane. I will go to the gem store around 11:30 tomorrow am... it is now 7:30am home time... tide is out ...and the sun is down... a few more days and this phase of this adventure is over... It is so good to be back at life... ;) b.
Monday on the beach
It is mid day, but prudence says I need some quiet cool time for I journey out again. It is hot on the coast, but there is a breeze which makes it quite bearably.
Ok.. I got to the room early.. every place has a little challenge. This was only two overhead lights and no lamp by the bed nor were the overheads within a distance to read. I got ready for bet around 10 and watched some dippy Julie Andrew's movie about some princess.. it was really bad but better than the killing stuff on Thai TV. I was awake and alert at 4:30 (probably in prep for tomorrow)... but laid around until about 7. The room comes with breakfast which consists of a hard poached egg, very pale toast , coffee and a hot dog. Def not up to the hot dog.. I waited int he yard where there was some type of a black bird that say.. good morning .. how are you .. and sawattee..... over and over. The person making the egg announced with alarm that there was a mosquito loss in the yard. Maybe it is English speaking and is drawn to the repetitive good morning. Most of the folk here say gutten tag/morgan. During breakfast I flipped a coin and heads.. rent a scooter won. The vespa was not to be found so... I rented a local variety but automatic.. key.. Why it is important to type off my 2 short beer lunch.. the sun is blistering and my brain will boil under the little helmet. I had to go to several places and found a woman selling noodles who would rent her's. We signed some .. I will not take her noodles agreement and was sent off to locate the Kodak store to get a passport copy.. All I have to do is repeat in my head.. go left.. I have gone around and around many blocks. I have also figured out the rule of the road is .. don't hit what is in front of you.. so .. I put my eyes on the road..and just go.. by lunch I was passing.. .. I might be a Farang.. but i can cycle. This gave me a great deal of freedom. I went to the lookout over the city.. and was the only one up there.. I should say that while the doodle lady has an automatic.. she also has bike tires and about as much pep as a 1 cylinder. The big was groaning.. loss wt about 1/3 of the trip. I was the only tourist - even the dog barked at me. The tour lady was so happy for a customer that she walked me personally to the "view" even though there were about 20 signs pointing... the view ... the view ... the view.. the plane .. the plane.. ooops sorry. there were peacock strutting around. Well if I thought going up was a challenge for the baby b ike.. coming down was a break drain... I was not going to let the baby good.. squeak... squiel but we made it.. I kept left and so far so good.
I then went to the large Buddha statue that faces the sea... monk insisted on another "lucky bracelet"... I would have give money to the "feed the cats" box without the bracelet.. should go back to fancy hotel...this one is golden.
When I came down the hill.. a woman was setting up her Thai massage slat table by the sea.. so why not .. it was magical to lie there and listen to the waves.. in addition. she was great. I was in utter pain on the back of my legs.. so it must have been good. We had to take a short break when the temple monkey's came to investigate the area.. and the massage person was worried about my backpack.. the friendly monkey is named Ann.. and will come when called.. There were many people on the beach in two piece suits.. I looked great..compared..but I had my jeans on and my gut covered.. they had little covered and the gut exposed.
I then went to the other end of the world to the Thais silk place. beautiful work.. but.. our scarves were $120 and the silk for pants.. plane back was 950bt a measure and Ann would need 3 measures for pants2850 or about $90 for the material.. just could not do it.. but you can order it direct... I had a German lunch and two beers and am now here.. about to give back the scooter and walk to the beach.. great time ...b
Ok.. I got to the room early.. every place has a little challenge. This was only two overhead lights and no lamp by the bed nor were the overheads within a distance to read. I got ready for bet around 10 and watched some dippy Julie Andrew's movie about some princess.. it was really bad but better than the killing stuff on Thai TV. I was awake and alert at 4:30 (probably in prep for tomorrow)... but laid around until about 7. The room comes with breakfast which consists of a hard poached egg, very pale toast , coffee and a hot dog. Def not up to the hot dog.. I waited int he yard where there was some type of a black bird that say.. good morning .. how are you .. and sawattee..... over and over. The person making the egg announced with alarm that there was a mosquito loss in the yard. Maybe it is English speaking and is drawn to the repetitive good morning. Most of the folk here say gutten tag/morgan. During breakfast I flipped a coin and heads.. rent a scooter won. The vespa was not to be found so... I rented a local variety but automatic.. key.. Why it is important to type off my 2 short beer lunch.. the sun is blistering and my brain will boil under the little helmet. I had to go to several places and found a woman selling noodles who would rent her's. We signed some .. I will not take her noodles agreement and was sent off to locate the Kodak store to get a passport copy.. All I have to do is repeat in my head.. go left.. I have gone around and around many blocks. I have also figured out the rule of the road is .. don't hit what is in front of you.. so .. I put my eyes on the road..and just go.. by lunch I was passing.. .. I might be a Farang.. but i can cycle. This gave me a great deal of freedom. I went to the lookout over the city.. and was the only one up there.. I should say that while the doodle lady has an automatic.. she also has bike tires and about as much pep as a 1 cylinder. The big was groaning.. loss wt about 1/3 of the trip. I was the only tourist - even the dog barked at me. The tour lady was so happy for a customer that she walked me personally to the "view" even though there were about 20 signs pointing... the view ... the view ... the view.. the plane .. the plane.. ooops sorry. there were peacock strutting around. Well if I thought going up was a challenge for the baby b ike.. coming down was a break drain... I was not going to let the baby good.. squeak... squiel but we made it.. I kept left and so far so good.
I then went to the large Buddha statue that faces the sea... monk insisted on another "lucky bracelet"... I would have give money to the "feed the cats" box without the bracelet.. should go back to fancy hotel...this one is golden.
When I came down the hill.. a woman was setting up her Thai massage slat table by the sea.. so why not .. it was magical to lie there and listen to the waves.. in addition. she was great. I was in utter pain on the back of my legs.. so it must have been good. We had to take a short break when the temple monkey's came to investigate the area.. and the massage person was worried about my backpack.. the friendly monkey is named Ann.. and will come when called.. There were many people on the beach in two piece suits.. I looked great..compared..but I had my jeans on and my gut covered.. they had little covered and the gut exposed.
I then went to the other end of the world to the Thais silk place. beautiful work.. but.. our scarves were $120 and the silk for pants.. plane back was 950bt a measure and Ann would need 3 measures for pants2850 or about $90 for the material.. just could not do it.. but you can order it direct... I had a German lunch and two beers and am now here.. about to give back the scooter and walk to the beach.. great time ...b
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Sunday night
Nothing is as you expect, so don't expect. I am also learning not to ask since if you ask the answer is usually yes. I got to the minibus stop at 9:45 and waited until the van came. I had asked if it was an express bus, which she had said, yes of course. We were got to the south terminal and the bus had more dents that flat space, I figured it might just be the local. There was a driver and a young woman with a long can similar to the one that woman on the boat taxi had had. There was also a young man running around shouting the name of our destination and herding people into the bus. I knew we would be heading south and tried to remember which side would get the most sun and selected the right side. There also appeared to be more natives sitting on that side. We left the station and were traveling about jogging speed. I had a general idea that my destination was about 130-150 miles. I began to wonder if I would miss my plane on Thurs. Then I thought about just being aware and attentive when we stopped for a squat break. I thought I was lost since I thought we just left the station.. this was far short of half way. In honor of the trip squatters, I joined the line. Glad I did, that was the stop on the trip. We continued at about 25-30 miles an hour, stopping by the side of the road to pick up folks. Many were carrying lunch that gave an order of begin prepared last week. I had my nuts and water but was fearful of the water. I looked out the window as long as I could and then when the sun came around to my side in a bus already 88 degrees with the "air" on... I thought the best thing to do was try to go to sleep. I woke up a few times when we actually got rolling about 50.. people got on and got off and the woman with the coin deal walked up and down and more of the same until about 3 o'clock when she said.. HauHin... I could not guess where I was since I thought we would stop at the bus station rather the side of the highway.
This is a very different town... it is larger than ChiangDao but much smaller than Chiangmai. Since it is on the sea there is a breeze and the evening is very pleasant. I stopped at a realtor whom I guessed would speak English and he did and told me where I was and where he thought I was going. I also think he knew that anyone that he would really want to talk to would be at the Hilton or private beach house etc. When I went to check in, the girl did not think I had a reserved room...after some time and calls yes I did and it was on the top floor (#4) and there is no elevator. I was leaving a puddle where I sat and got a Chung... she also could not make a copy of the passport so fortunately I had one to give. The room was ready and I took my soaking body to the 4th floor... I thought I had died and gone to heaven.. and extremely clean room with a terrific shower.. view patio.. tv and strong air. In addition.. no bar next door.. I am going to have a foot massage and an early to bed.. just to get a full nights sleep.
Needless to say, I stood in the shower and just let the strong consistent water run on my very stinky body.. it was a shower I will remember. After I cleaned up I took a walk to the famous train station and found that I must take a 5:20 train Tues am if I want to get to BK at any decent time and not spend the day on the train.. it is the rapid train and the next is the regular.. I think it is the speed of the bus.. ugh.
I walked to the beach.. great big long wide beach with lost of older Brits and Gr folk I am one of the younger folks here.. nice.. no drunken kids... well some drunken Gr. but they are usually in a pack and only one is a little done. I got some street food and decided to walk into the BIG fancy hotel. This is the kind of place that calls you to play lawn tennis, darts, read by the pool and listen to the music man playing in the court.. the trees are all trimmed to look like birds or dogs or something... and again there are many folks who have lead the good life.. and have lots of bling... (like Liz.. only gold)... well I fit right in .. I have the monk string which is now blue from my pants the other day.. and my spit up braiding, and my Buddha and elephant bracelet.. sneakers...socks (dirty white) and a corn hill fest shirt I wore to Yoga. I was very aware that an old scout leader told us.. you can do anything if you do it casually.. so I just strolled about and smiled .. it was a hoot. From there I had a chung and some roasted cashews and then walked to the pier where they were bringing in the fish.. great to see them toss the boxes and laugh at the end of the day... there was a great sunset and near the big boats, families fished for dinner.. just a night place.. now one paid attention to me.. I got some pineapple at the night market.. nothing to buy .. and now here fore it closes and I go for a massage. I am going to turn off the alarm in the am. I will do the best I can to get to silk place.. but I am not going to get a scooter.. could not locate a Vespa and the scooter traffic is still hairy. This is a small town.. easy.. layed back.. smells more like fresh air or the sea.. and it is cooler.. I could stay here a little longer.. bye for now...
This is a very different town... it is larger than ChiangDao but much smaller than Chiangmai. Since it is on the sea there is a breeze and the evening is very pleasant. I stopped at a realtor whom I guessed would speak English and he did and told me where I was and where he thought I was going. I also think he knew that anyone that he would really want to talk to would be at the Hilton or private beach house etc. When I went to check in, the girl did not think I had a reserved room...after some time and calls yes I did and it was on the top floor (#4) and there is no elevator. I was leaving a puddle where I sat and got a Chung... she also could not make a copy of the passport so fortunately I had one to give. The room was ready and I took my soaking body to the 4th floor... I thought I had died and gone to heaven.. and extremely clean room with a terrific shower.. view patio.. tv and strong air. In addition.. no bar next door.. I am going to have a foot massage and an early to bed.. just to get a full nights sleep.
Needless to say, I stood in the shower and just let the strong consistent water run on my very stinky body.. it was a shower I will remember. After I cleaned up I took a walk to the famous train station and found that I must take a 5:20 train Tues am if I want to get to BK at any decent time and not spend the day on the train.. it is the rapid train and the next is the regular.. I think it is the speed of the bus.. ugh.
I walked to the beach.. great big long wide beach with lost of older Brits and Gr folk I am one of the younger folks here.. nice.. no drunken kids... well some drunken Gr. but they are usually in a pack and only one is a little done. I got some street food and decided to walk into the BIG fancy hotel. This is the kind of place that calls you to play lawn tennis, darts, read by the pool and listen to the music man playing in the court.. the trees are all trimmed to look like birds or dogs or something... and again there are many folks who have lead the good life.. and have lots of bling... (like Liz.. only gold)... well I fit right in .. I have the monk string which is now blue from my pants the other day.. and my spit up braiding, and my Buddha and elephant bracelet.. sneakers...socks (dirty white) and a corn hill fest shirt I wore to Yoga. I was very aware that an old scout leader told us.. you can do anything if you do it casually.. so I just strolled about and smiled .. it was a hoot. From there I had a chung and some roasted cashews and then walked to the pier where they were bringing in the fish.. great to see them toss the boxes and laugh at the end of the day... there was a great sunset and near the big boats, families fished for dinner.. just a night place.. now one paid attention to me.. I got some pineapple at the night market.. nothing to buy .. and now here fore it closes and I go for a massage. I am going to turn off the alarm in the am. I will do the best I can to get to silk place.. but I am not going to get a scooter.. could not locate a Vespa and the scooter traffic is still hairy. This is a small town.. easy.. layed back.. smells more like fresh air or the sea.. and it is cooler.. I could stay here a little longer.. bye for now...
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Sat Night
Back at my favorite blog spot. 79 at 8am Sunday going to be hot today..but the express bus is air. In my lifetime, I have spent about a week looking for glasses and keys and on this trip, probably a day organizing. I hate not to know where things are and I did bring too much stuff. For example, my fold away suitcase.. give me a break.. this is so small I could hardly get my hill tribe stuff in it. Prior to meeting Beth and Martin last night.. I took everything out of everything and got it into two packages. My go home clothes will go in my pack and if I carry one heavy mother ... my wood stuff as a carry on, I think I will be OK and not have to pay too much. Anyway, for all intense, I am packed.
I met the duo in the lobby of the Star and had a few Chang. Beth was concerned that everything did not go smoothly for everyone...Ellen/Liz not feeling well and the mix up about the film and the extra room charge and lots of walking and steps. You know Beth.. she would want everyone to smile all the time.. it is the struggle we remember the most. I suggest that next time she help all be more ready by telling them . it will be different everywhere.
I for one had a memorable time and I am glad that I went. We had some good laughs and they appeared to have enjoyed the beach. They were getting up at 4 to go to India. Martin was going to use his palm alarm to get them up.. I got up at 4:15 and they were ready to go..
Since was also leaving for the south in the AM we just went to the corner where we first ate the first night in BKK. In a Beth style she told me what was good... it looks like vomit but it tastes great. I have been here too long for that sounded just fine to me... It was good and the sauce was very good. In the south I will pay 1000 bt a night.. but it is a very big famous resort that is good. I checked out the spa prices and they were 1500 .. I am sure there is a local person on a side street and I think I will try a Thai massage. Beth and Martin appear to be planning another trip.. not sure how it will work out or where.. but flying in and out of BKK is easiest. B&M were very impressed that I was able to locate the various places that I have and get around as well. The people are terrific and I have had some great help.
On the morning walk to the Internet I watched the locals stopping for their morning grub. Oh.. our dinner last night was Martin's treat.. and for three.. meals it was 120...that is about $4. the juice here is very good.. and I will have an orange juice before I go to the bus. I would love an omelet but I will settle for another baked potato.
The street traffic and constant movement goes on and on. I noted the farang are the only one's smoking on the street.. and they do scrub up the area every night. It will be great to get a full nights sleep tonight.. she says hopefully.
Well, I have started to cool off.. for those of you wanting me to get anything you forgot to get or want more of.. I have a little time on Weds.. so comment and let me know. I know Sheila is reading this and is so sweet to write a note.. (the bowl for Janet is the monk bowl.. Beth said I got a good deal) ..but if anyone the rest of the band are giving a look.. thank you all .. each and everyone for making this a great passage in my life. I am working on my book and getting more into the living with awareness and attention.. it is a perfect meditation life. happy journey to bonny...b
I met the duo in the lobby of the Star and had a few Chang. Beth was concerned that everything did not go smoothly for everyone...Ellen/Liz not feeling well and the mix up about the film and the extra room charge and lots of walking and steps. You know Beth.. she would want everyone to smile all the time.. it is the struggle we remember the most. I suggest that next time she help all be more ready by telling them . it will be different everywhere.
I for one had a memorable time and I am glad that I went. We had some good laughs and they appeared to have enjoyed the beach. They were getting up at 4 to go to India. Martin was going to use his palm alarm to get them up.. I got up at 4:15 and they were ready to go..
Since was also leaving for the south in the AM we just went to the corner where we first ate the first night in BKK. In a Beth style she told me what was good... it looks like vomit but it tastes great. I have been here too long for that sounded just fine to me... It was good and the sauce was very good. In the south I will pay 1000 bt a night.. but it is a very big famous resort that is good. I checked out the spa prices and they were 1500 .. I am sure there is a local person on a side street and I think I will try a Thai massage. Beth and Martin appear to be planning another trip.. not sure how it will work out or where.. but flying in and out of BKK is easiest. B&M were very impressed that I was able to locate the various places that I have and get around as well. The people are terrific and I have had some great help.
On the morning walk to the Internet I watched the locals stopping for their morning grub. Oh.. our dinner last night was Martin's treat.. and for three.. meals it was 120...that is about $4. the juice here is very good.. and I will have an orange juice before I go to the bus. I would love an omelet but I will settle for another baked potato.
The street traffic and constant movement goes on and on. I noted the farang are the only one's smoking on the street.. and they do scrub up the area every night. It will be great to get a full nights sleep tonight.. she says hopefully.
Well, I have started to cool off.. for those of you wanting me to get anything you forgot to get or want more of.. I have a little time on Weds.. so comment and let me know. I know Sheila is reading this and is so sweet to write a note.. (the bowl for Janet is the monk bowl.. Beth said I got a good deal) ..but if anyone the rest of the band are giving a look.. thank you all .. each and everyone for making this a great passage in my life. I am working on my book and getting more into the living with awareness and attention.. it is a perfect meditation life. happy journey to bonny...b
Sat 10th
Today was the 7am bus trip to Ayutthaya.. the old capital. It is 1.5hrs in a minivan with little air. I checked the temp in the front seat with the sun coming at me .. and it was 97. There were three of us in the front.. the driver.. who had a large red pinkie nail and who had only been there twice.. so we had some .. turn here.. and opps have to do a uie... and the tour guide lady who sat on the little seat in the middle reading a "sexy lady" novel. I asked her if it was a hot novel and she said yes.. but I think she was referring to the temp in the car. I sat next to her in a body slam...3 hrs in the mini.. is another opportunity for merit.. I think I am bordering on the +side and should probably go kick a dog or something. Before we left I got an "ice coffee" at the 7/11. for those of you reading that have not been here.. the store is a fast mini that you can get fairly cheap beer..nuts and this drink. I am a black hot Jamaican me crazy kind of a gal and this sticky sweet with cream and lukecool is not going to change my mind. I am not up for rice in the am.. and could find little open. It was great fun walking from the Star Dome to the place next to the computer place... it was garbage day. Some how I thought it was just sucked into the earth.. there is much of if. On the mini were two from the Check republic and Germans..and me.. the tour guide shared what little she did in English and they all got along with that. We went to 5/6 old locations and she would say a few words.. as in old... .burned by Burmese... Cambodia design.. king someone the 16th etc. and then tell us we had an hour.. or 1/2 hr etc. I like some and some were piles of bricks with potential. One of the best things was that there were a ton of school kids.. 6th graders most.. in their sharp uniforms wanting to interview. Some of the girls.. say. what is your name.. where do you come from how long are you here and why did you come to Ayutthaya.. the boys... what is your name. (oh those boys). They then gave you a questionnaire to fill well is my English, grammar, etc.. did they ask the right question.. etc.. Well I made the boys tell me the name of the school and grade.. they were very cute and polite and we all bowed and did our thank you. There were elephants there... and they were giving rides.. I had to say they looked better than the Cambodia crew... but in my sign language I tried to say .. don't ride. Will we ever be the same.. I almost finished my teachers audio book last night.. about attention and awareness and meditating every minute of life by being alive and awake.. It was good to spend the day alone. Three of us were veggie folk so we had some good rice and mixed veg for lunch.. pineapple and I had a Chung... they only has a large chung so I also got a chance to do one squat and one sit toilet. Getting pretty good at the balance.. it is my yoga. On the highway, I did see dead dogs.. have not seen any in the city.. amazing since three are trillions. I could see they did not pick up the dogs.. since they were in various stages of departure... (97 degrees on tar)... Also one of the Gr girls were not being mindful or attentive and stepped in some dog do... now I know why they have hoses around. The sun got me so I bought a Heidi hat but mine is blue. Travelling friend Heidi looked like a sophisticated woman and I look like a moving toadstool.. but the sun is off my nose. I checked out the Thai Teak house construction.. think it would fun to put something together in the yard... I am going back to the hotel and see if my two shirts I had made yesterday have arrived... I am sure I paid more than I could have.. but they are a nice feeling cotton silk and then I will have something to go under my street woman jacket and my hand me down Janet pants.. the thought of that with the hat is putting me in to hysterics.. and I am not IM's anyone... So.. off to pack up.. I will pack pretty much today and put my bags into storage at the hotel.. then day bag to the beach.. switch clothing on everything is consolidated. I am going to put anything that looks like clothing and my wok into the striped bag and put everything else into the duffel. I wonder how much Sheila had to pay.. think we can have 32 oz.. but I am pretty heavy with two bowls, walk Buddha heads etc.. oh well..all I will try to buy is silk for my travel buds. On Weds at 6 I pick up the glasses...that should be a story. bye for now... Nice having a short exchange with a few... b.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Friday Night
Since my last blog, I have taken a long water taxi ride. Wow.. you can really get around for 13 bt. It is worth learning the whistle codes and watching the back of the boat man jump in and off and whistle when to go and how to back up. It took about an hour to go to the end of the line... a very nice woman told me we are at the end of the line and got the ticket lady to get me on the next boat back to stop 13.. note stop 13.. very near the infamous roll on the dock location... took the cut a way we took last week but went to the right. The ride was great and fun..I was hoping not to hear .. "boat crashed on the river." It is a very crowded place... hopeful I got a few pics to indicate the real crowd. I want to break here and talk about this puter space. There are two German's next to be.. a very drunk Aussie woman talking to some f... jerk... about some f.. deal.. and then a few others. Def. I would consider a phone line on the puter.. everyone is talking in good time. This am.. I call Georgianna to see what she wanted in the gem line. I used the same phone Shelia did a week ago.. (would you not think I would learn) it was def. a phone she bought on the street..the call was only 30bht.. less than $1. The drunken on is moving to the puter next to me and .more Italians.just came in.. . hairy group... After the boat I had a face massage.. very relaxing and nice. I noted the place accross from the place we ate last week after the boat trip. I also bought a bus ticket south near there and had a baked potatoes and beer. It is 8pm here and I will do my regular thing... get some nuts.. have a beer and just watch the crowd until tired.. then try to sleep.
The following is my plan for the next few days... I will be on a tour tomorrow at 7am.. minvan which will take me to the old capital .. five stops...Wat's with lunch and return at 4. I will either meet up with Beth and Martin or not.. but will pack for the trip home and pull out my beach stuff.. and get the stuff into storage sat. night. I am catching the minivan for the bus station at 10am.. the cost of the travel is 350 bt...which will take me from the end of my street to the bus and then on to the bus... I will come back Tues morning early by train... the gem shop is not that far from the train. I am not sure of lodging for Tues.. but will probably stay at the star dome... I pick up the finished glasses Weds at 6... then to the airport Weds night by about 10ish and on home. So the long and short.. not sure when I will be on again.. Since I am down to the short trip and it is not easy for me to tell all of you that it is about 75 tonight.. clear with a little breeze. I read that Anna Nicole died today.. I sat here and looked at so many people spinning out of control or putting poison into themselves.. very sad.. the destruction of life. I did read the want ads today.. a few project managers.. but my Thai is tied. I was very nervous there for a minute.. the drunk laid her head down.. and I was fearful of a porcelain pray session.. I have seen many people who will not remember as much as I... I had a bite today at lunch and talked to three Brit girls who have been here for 6 months.. don't think so.. ice and snow is bad.. but my bed will be a relief. bye for now.. b
The following is my plan for the next few days... I will be on a tour tomorrow at 7am.. minvan which will take me to the old capital .. five stops...Wat's with lunch and return at 4. I will either meet up with Beth and Martin or not.. but will pack for the trip home and pull out my beach stuff.. and get the stuff into storage sat. night. I am catching the minivan for the bus station at 10am.. the cost of the travel is 350 bt...which will take me from the end of my street to the bus and then on to the bus... I will come back Tues morning early by train... the gem shop is not that far from the train. I am not sure of lodging for Tues.. but will probably stay at the star dome... I pick up the finished glasses Weds at 6... then to the airport Weds night by about 10ish and on home. So the long and short.. not sure when I will be on again.. Since I am down to the short trip and it is not easy for me to tell all of you that it is about 75 tonight.. clear with a little breeze. I read that Anna Nicole died today.. I sat here and looked at so many people spinning out of control or putting poison into themselves.. very sad.. the destruction of life. I did read the want ads today.. a few project managers.. but my Thai is tied. I was very nervous there for a minute.. the drunk laid her head down.. and I was fearful of a porcelain pray session.. I have seen many people who will not remember as much as I... I had a bite today at lunch and talked to three Brit girls who have been here for 6 months.. don't think so.. ice and snow is bad.. but my bed will be a relief. bye for now.. b
Friday in Bangkok
first.. thank you for the comments and postings. I am in an air conditioned cafe... yes.. it is not that I have nothing to do or want to do.. or that I love all of you so very much...but it is HOT out there... and my brain started to bubble. so.. taking a break and will post some now and then later. Trip folks.. if you get a chance.. read Sheila's post.. I am on the floor laughing.. I was having Sheila withdrawal... but when I read her note.. it reminds me of our adventures. I looked around yesterday quickly to see if I could locate Sue or Sheila... thought it was my day to watch.
Anyway.. I left here last night and went back and had a beer and some nuts and read the Brit post... scandal sheet. Again.. I went to the room tired and fell asleep.. then boom wide awake when the noise stopped. I will get up very early tomorrow and take a day mini excursion to the old capital... and hopefully catch up to Beth/Martin tomorrow night.. pack up my gear and head to the train station and south. It will be good to get out of the city and just chill.
What I found out about today.. the tuk tuk's or the government tt are only 20 bt an hour.. so I circled paces and we raced about to see the lucky Buddha, standing Buddha, marble Buddha, black Buddha.. etc. If anyone reads this that has Janet's phone number.. tell her I got a bowl.. I watched the family work on the bowls... took pictures and it was 500 bt. take him 2 days a bowl. (you can tell Janet it was 1000 bt). I walked some more.. and ate fresh pineapple.. had a beer and lunch.. and now here. The sun is very hot.. makes you want to just sleep on a bench. I am off to the river to take a river taxi to someplace... and maybe back to the gem place later. bye for now...b
Anyway.. I left here last night and went back and had a beer and some nuts and read the Brit post... scandal sheet. Again.. I went to the room tired and fell asleep.. then boom wide awake when the noise stopped. I will get up very early tomorrow and take a day mini excursion to the old capital... and hopefully catch up to Beth/Martin tomorrow night.. pack up my gear and head to the train station and south. It will be good to get out of the city and just chill.
What I found out about today.. the tuk tuk's or the government tt are only 20 bt an hour.. so I circled paces and we raced about to see the lucky Buddha, standing Buddha, marble Buddha, black Buddha.. etc. If anyone reads this that has Janet's phone number.. tell her I got a bowl.. I watched the family work on the bowls... took pictures and it was 500 bt. take him 2 days a bowl. (you can tell Janet it was 1000 bt). I walked some more.. and ate fresh pineapple.. had a beer and lunch.. and now here. The sun is very hot.. makes you want to just sleep on a bench. I am off to the river to take a river taxi to someplace... and maybe back to the gem place later. bye for now...b
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Long day
Well I have learned more about BKK. They do stop around 1:30 - I know because it rather woke me up .. .the pillow stopped boom boom. I found that 2 Advil and some nice Ipod music will put me down for about an hour. The alarm woke me at 6:30am. I was to let the cooking school know that I made it here.. and while I did send an e-mail last night, I told them that I would call in the morning.. so I now know how to use the tele.. (pick up receiver, wait for dial tone, put in 5 bt, wait for second dial tone, then dial number and if they want more money they will tell you.. local calls are 5. The cooking man sounded surprised... but said fine and then told me to get to another hotel by 8:30. I realize that I have been in training for my time here. The bed at the Elephant reserve was only slightly harder ... They sell these beds by the road... and then toss a matress on them.. and two sheets- but the shower was hot. Oh.. my reputation has preceded me.. the towel is blue - a lighter blue that the towel I had to buy. ..the other info... McDonald's.. which I would not go to under ordinary times.. does not serve breakfast. So I got an Americano Pro (medium).... scary.. starting to become assimilated. Anyway...with only a coffee.. the van picked me up at a great hotel... well not so great.. but it did not smell like sewer and the lobby was enclosed. Since the sign said to take everything with you.. I took my pack with my stuff...and dropped off 2k of laundry.. my last sudsing. I could have walked about and gotten it cheaper.. or asked a young person still on the street with beer since.. I am not sure when... I also found some new alley off of alley off alley that has a new set of dogs... I am going to write something about the dogs at some point when I get home and "beef" this out. I will just say.. the dogs here are very well endowed.
So back to the day. I wore my new light blue fisherman pants... I thought I would look more "civil" or "mature" or whatever.... and my English shirt. This class cost me about 45-50 $ the kind of folks that go don't stay at a guest house.
We picked up two Aussies and two Brits and me.. and we were joined by two other Brits and two Aussies. Hard to believe that US is a minority.. but it is. I will not go into a long discussion about the cooking since I intend to cook this meal for many of you. We started with making tomatoes roses... and cucumber leaves.. another .. time that I tried not to just start laughing. My rose had short stubby pedals.. and my leaf was deformed The folks started talking with each other.. and when we did the second item.. they sent a helper offer to hover... hey. I can cook.. I just can't make roses. The second was an appetiser that was put into a leave with some sauces and then deep fried... mmmm and then we made friend prawn with tamarind sauce. I learned to fix the shrimp and then tie them up.. I could have done without the little feelers and eyes.. but they looked cute. I did not beat my papaya as hard as I should have. They told me to hold it like a baby and then wack away.. well they have a tool that can be used.. and that was much better.. I bought the tool.. so don't fear. The last was duck in a sauce with eggplant etc.. I should tell you all I found a new Internet that was air cooled.. and everyone but me is using an Internet phone service.. in Brit/Aussie tones. one girl was using the photo device and kissing the screen... and crying.. but I will try to stay focused.
Anyway it was a very nice lunch.. I did OK with the chili and actually put in 4-5.. and did not sweat.
We got to eat there and I had a beer and bought the peeler.. and took lots of pics.
I took a ride back a long way and got out near one of the big parks and walked and walked. I found an eye glass place picked out some Marie someone designer glasses and they will be about $180 with scratch resistance. If they are any good.. I will be happy. Not the great ones that I had before ..but OK
I went to one of the very large shopping centers that had a large food area. Prada, farrago etc.. all the names I see in the books... are in this place.. including toys are us and tops.. I had some scrambled eggs and potatoes.. just felt very very hot and dirty and wanted some comfort food. I was miles ... and I mean miles away from "home" so I took a taxi for 200 bt.. about $6. There was a horrendous travel mess.. and it was worth the money ... since I got in and he did a very large u turn... amazing.. like turning at the can of worms around 6. Since I am here.. I lived. I was going to get a foot massage tonight and pamper me.. but when I picked up my laundry and went to the toilet.. I am light blue all over.... the heat was very great today and I perspired.. and the cheap pants (1/2 the cost of the taxi ride) just don't hold the color. I am going to wash them all several times before I give them away... I got scarves last week at the market and we negotiated some pretty good deals... I saw they today in a fancy shop for 120-150.... feel good about that. Well I want to go have a beer and get hot and tired.. might do the massage and tell them I am from the blue islands. I hope to get up and go to the river area tomorrow... I am doing well.. I am sure it will be good to get back.. my buddies are still in NYC... mmm b.
So back to the day. I wore my new light blue fisherman pants... I thought I would look more "civil" or "mature" or whatever.... and my English shirt. This class cost me about 45-50 $ the kind of folks that go don't stay at a guest house.
We picked up two Aussies and two Brits and me.. and we were joined by two other Brits and two Aussies. Hard to believe that US is a minority.. but it is. I will not go into a long discussion about the cooking since I intend to cook this meal for many of you. We started with making tomatoes roses... and cucumber leaves.. another .. time that I tried not to just start laughing. My rose had short stubby pedals.. and my leaf was deformed The folks started talking with each other.. and when we did the second item.. they sent a helper offer to hover... hey. I can cook.. I just can't make roses. The second was an appetiser that was put into a leave with some sauces and then deep fried... mmmm and then we made friend prawn with tamarind sauce. I learned to fix the shrimp and then tie them up.. I could have done without the little feelers and eyes.. but they looked cute. I did not beat my papaya as hard as I should have. They told me to hold it like a baby and then wack away.. well they have a tool that can be used.. and that was much better.. I bought the tool.. so don't fear. The last was duck in a sauce with eggplant etc.. I should tell you all I found a new Internet that was air cooled.. and everyone but me is using an Internet phone service.. in Brit/Aussie tones. one girl was using the photo device and kissing the screen... and crying.. but I will try to stay focused.
Anyway it was a very nice lunch.. I did OK with the chili and actually put in 4-5.. and did not sweat.
We got to eat there and I had a beer and bought the peeler.. and took lots of pics.
I took a ride back a long way and got out near one of the big parks and walked and walked. I found an eye glass place picked out some Marie someone designer glasses and they will be about $180 with scratch resistance. If they are any good.. I will be happy. Not the great ones that I had before ..but OK
I went to one of the very large shopping centers that had a large food area. Prada, farrago etc.. all the names I see in the books... are in this place.. including toys are us and tops.. I had some scrambled eggs and potatoes.. just felt very very hot and dirty and wanted some comfort food. I was miles ... and I mean miles away from "home" so I took a taxi for 200 bt.. about $6. There was a horrendous travel mess.. and it was worth the money ... since I got in and he did a very large u turn... amazing.. like turning at the can of worms around 6. Since I am here.. I lived. I was going to get a foot massage tonight and pamper me.. but when I picked up my laundry and went to the toilet.. I am light blue all over.... the heat was very great today and I perspired.. and the cheap pants (1/2 the cost of the taxi ride) just don't hold the color. I am going to wash them all several times before I give them away... I got scarves last week at the market and we negotiated some pretty good deals... I saw they today in a fancy shop for 120-150.... feel good about that. Well I want to go have a beer and get hot and tired.. might do the massage and tell them I am from the blue islands. I hope to get up and go to the river area tomorrow... I am doing well.. I am sure it will be good to get back.. my buddies are still in NYC... mmm b.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
All alone
When I typed the A ... "any hot guys out there wanting to hook up" came up on the screen. I am back in BKK typing away on the same key board that I was at last weekend, when I sat here listing to Sheila scream hello to Paul and Brad. Glad to hear that she arrived home safely and hope to hear the rest of the gypsies made it home. It is now 11:15 and they are at the airport waiting to pack repack and board the Thai air home. I had a "what am I doing" moment when I walk away from the baggage claim. Two things happened today to make me pause... When I went through customs at Cambodia I set off the alarms and had to go into the other room and take off my money belt. I got a little frustrated and in the process, left my Lady Pheobe hat... ;( then i went to go to the bathroom and caused Dan to almost have a heartattach when I picked up his bag rather than mine. Well mde it to BKK inspite of me. I had planned to take the bus, but it was not leaving for a half hour and then it would take an hour. It was good I was able to find a cab... all be it 400 bt... (little more than $10...) when I got to the Star Dome... they were about to give me bed away. This is a clean but SPARCE place.. a bed.. you rent the towel and the key... no chair ... but a shower that runs all over the room. I am on the 5th (top floor) and know where the stairs are. There is a list of do and don't on the don't leave ANYTHING in the room... well I will be here for 4 nites... and will miss my buddies... I can still hear the laughing.. or maybe it is just the continuous beat of the disco next door... this is a town that doesn't sleep... but I will....b
last group day
This is the last group travel day. Our guide took us to two places the floating village and the other an artisan school. The first was about as raw and experience as you could have. In some ways, it reminded me of when I was child and people would come to Hiawatha to see "Indians". What was so funny then, the natives would tell me to go forward to get my picture taken... just think of all the white skin that have photos of me.
The floating village was a collection of Vietnamese folk living on about $260 a year.. and living in small crowded hubbles that contained a toilet that was a direct exit to the water, which is where they got their drinking water and bathed and fished. The folk that live on the land must leave during the rain season and move to the hills...but that is also an opportunity to work in the rice fields and secure the income. When someone dies during the rainy season, there is no real land and the folks put the dead person in a plastic bag and hang them from tree until there is dry land and a place to bury. lordy... The artist place (where I dropped some $) is for folks that are 18-25 and who don't have education. Some of the people are deaf/blind... the quality of the craft is exceptional . Well there is a line up.. so more later... bonus
The floating village was a collection of Vietnamese folk living on about $260 a year.. and living in small crowded hubbles that contained a toilet that was a direct exit to the water, which is where they got their drinking water and bathed and fished. The folk that live on the land must leave during the rain season and move to the hills...but that is also an opportunity to work in the rice fields and secure the income. When someone dies during the rainy season, there is no real land and the folks put the dead person in a plastic bag and hang them from tree until there is dry land and a place to bury. lordy... The artist place (where I dropped some $) is for folks that are 18-25 and who don't have education. Some of the people are deaf/blind... the quality of the craft is exceptional . Well there is a line up.. so more later... bonus
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
last group evening
Today was the most group stress. It is hot, folks are sticky, and there is different sense of caring for each other. Amazingly, GP was able to get word to the eye man and I have my prescription for lenses in my back pocket. I will try when I get to BK. After my blog earlier, I walked to a little cafe down the street and ordered a salad and veggie soup and my large beer. The bill was $6 .. but the fun thing was they made the soup from scratch... as in potatoes, carrots, celery, green beans etc.. amazing.. could you imagine if you went to Jines and they came out peeling potatoes etc.. and you just sat in the 93 degrees.. sipping a beer as the soup was cooking. The food is very mild.. very fresh etc. Not sure I would come back here.. but I would like to know more of the people.
This afternoon we went to Angkor Wat...amazing...the art and monuments etc. just breath taking. About half the group climbed to top which I am sure would have been a spectacular view... but it was straight up and down and I thought best they don't have to get police to haul my body off the hill.
We had a good, but not American fast dinner. There was a mix up with some film today and one of the gypsies felt badly about not being able to gets some pics, so after dinner we walked to the Kodak store and picked up a few rolls for tomorrow. On the way we saw a place that had three TV and chairs.. about the 1/2 the chairs were full and there were more folks sitting on bikes and cycles.. again amazing.. poor, but nice and honest folks.
We are up again in the am for some boat trip and then a tourist trap. It was funny tonight .. we all said what was our favorite part of the trip.. Elephants were right up there.. but the one person who has spent most of the time alone ... said.. being alone. no surprise. Some are also flying home tomorrow... ..we had a very funny dinner trying to explain who was going home and who was staying and where I was going... it was one of those..had to be there.. but a good laugh at the end of the day. I will try to write when I get to the hotel tomorrow.. hopefully around 10pm... b.
This afternoon we went to Angkor Wat...amazing...the art and monuments etc. just breath taking. About half the group climbed to top which I am sure would have been a spectacular view... but it was straight up and down and I thought best they don't have to get police to haul my body off the hill.
We had a good, but not American fast dinner. There was a mix up with some film today and one of the gypsies felt badly about not being able to gets some pics, so after dinner we walked to the Kodak store and picked up a few rolls for tomorrow. On the way we saw a place that had three TV and chairs.. about the 1/2 the chairs were full and there were more folks sitting on bikes and cycles.. again amazing.. poor, but nice and honest folks.
We are up again in the am for some boat trip and then a tourist trap. It was funny tonight .. we all said what was our favorite part of the trip.. Elephants were right up there.. but the one person who has spent most of the time alone ... said.. being alone. no surprise. Some are also flying home tomorrow... ..we had a very funny dinner trying to explain who was going home and who was staying and where I was going... it was one of those..had to be there.. but a good laugh at the end of the day. I will try to write when I get to the hotel tomorrow.. hopefully around 10pm... b.
2nd day in the Kingdom
So glad to see my blog(s) up.. it is not easy to get time and space on the Internet. I slept like a log last night. It is hot here.. and now it is about 2pm in the afternoon and I am in the hotel lobby and it is 87. This morning it was back on the bus and off for an long long ride in the dusty countryside for another ruin area. This area is actually older than Angkor... the detail was very different and the stone was lava and a red stone that can only be seen in the morning sun. There are kids everywhere.. who have all learned... only one dollar. There are bands that play at most area...and the members all are missing some part.. eye, leg, etc. from the mines. I think I will read the killing fields again with a new look. We did stop by the road and I put on my most uncaring look and concentrated on taking some pictures. They are boiling the palm for Palm sugar, stripping the Palm for thatching, braiding the palm to tied the cows which they use to blow the rice fields. 30% of the children do not go to school since the family has no money to pay for the transportation. There are folks selling "gasoline" in johnny walker bottles. the price of gas here is a dollar a liter... the average income is 60 dollars a month... so... life is not easy. Most of the folks that live in the jungle and even by the road are without electric. We have been pretty much in the bus and in the hotel but have seen a great deal of the area. Three days is a short time. If anyone plans to come this way.. learning more about Hindu, Buddha and animal worship would be very helpful. I just had a full body scrub for an hour and it cost me $25.. it was remarkable... We have a little pool at the hotel.. but I was interested in doing everything and seeing as much as I can. Oh vespa folks... I have seen very broken scooters (usually Honda) with a rider and a son and then mom sitting sideways with the baby on her back... then with stuff tied on the back and something in a basket... lordy lordy. There are many bikes... many scooters... and many motorcycles that put "rickshaw" type deals. You can rent a car and driver for $25 a day.
This morning I had a cheese omelet with fresh fruit, coffee, and baguettes... the french influence. Some of the folks are a little tired of it all .. and two did not go on the morning bus. This is the most tour group I have felt.. but I am not sure you could do anything else. Time for lunch... This is my last night with this group.. then tomorrow night... I will be on my own. I have good confidence going back to Bk ... one of the folks has a cell phone and calls often.. she lives in middlesex.. and said that it was 45 mile wind and cold... ugh... b.
This morning I had a cheese omelet with fresh fruit, coffee, and baguettes... the french influence. Some of the folks are a little tired of it all .. and two did not go on the morning bus. This is the most tour group I have felt.. but I am not sure you could do anything else. Time for lunch... This is my last night with this group.. then tomorrow night... I will be on my own. I have good confidence going back to Bk ... one of the folks has a cell phone and calls often.. she lives in middlesex.. and said that it was 45 mile wind and cold... ugh... b.
Monday, February 05, 2007
not sure what just happened and this can be a duplicate.. we got up very early today and travelled on to Cambodia. There was some confusion at the airport.. who and how and how much etc.. good time for zen.
We arrived at a nice hotel ate a great lunch and then went on to three ruins ourside the main area. Each was very specatacular but the last was a climb. we walked up a long hill and then came to an old ruin that required us to mount steps that were about 5in wide and about 12-15 inch high... there were about 100 steps. Going up was one thing.. but coming down another.. We thought of Anne and felt this would have been a stretch to get her up and down. We just arrived at the hotel and tossed off the clothes and showered and now I have to eat.. so .. more tomorrow. b
We arrived at a nice hotel ate a great lunch and then went on to three ruins ourside the main area. Each was very specatacular but the last was a climb. we walked up a long hill and then came to an old ruin that required us to mount steps that were about 5in wide and about 12-15 inch high... there were about 100 steps. Going up was one thing.. but coming down another.. We thought of Anne and felt this would have been a stretch to get her up and down. We just arrived at the hotel and tossed off the clothes and showered and now I have to eat.. so .. more tomorrow. b
The Kingdom of Cambodia
This has been a long long day. I got into bed last night at about 11pm but the hotel which has been noisywas even more a mess and there was something running like a vibrating engine that kept me awake for a long time. I did sleep, not sure my roommate did. The temp in the room kept jumping from 40 to 400 so it was blanket off and on. 4:30 came early and we packed, met and raced to the airport. Do we pay 600 bhat.. don't we... what is it to get to Cambodia.. how were why... none of us have been here.. so.. it is a good time to Zen. We gave in our passports and then stood as they called out our name.. Bonita is a little different in Cambodian. We got to our hotel which is very nice.. (warm water is nice) and quickly gathered in our bus for lunch. I had a favorite - stir fried morning glory...but it was very mild. Oh I did exchange money and got 158,000 bills for my $40. They prefer am $.so everyone says.. sell you for $1. After lunch... we toured three ruin areas. Lordy there is a lot of rocks. Each was different but the last one.. you could climb mount olympus and then some. the steps were about 3-4 inches wide (makes Joe/Cheryl's steps look wide).. anyway there were about 10 landings of these steps.. and I forgot to tell you the lift was a foot to 1.5 feet. Not up to US code. There were many many japanese folks that ran up and down... hey this old girl made it.. all beit on my hands and knees.. on occasion. The sunset was great but I left a little early so I would not be the last one down... and I wasn't. There are thousands that go up and down.. dust everywhere.. We were sad our other yoga buds were not there.. but very glad Anne wasn't or she would have been in the bus. It was a freight but great. We got back to the hotel late and filthy.. I am now in the lobby with my barefeet... going to eat.. have a beer.. and pass out. Oh.. it was hot.. like hot. we were sticky and hot and tired...but still laughing ... more tomorrow... b.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Surprising Sunday
I got up this am to my third cold shower at the Buddy Lodge and thought.. this is probably how it was going to go. Liz/Marty Sheila and I met for breakfast and quickly negotiated a cab to the Weekend Market. There is nothing in the world to describe this place. It sells everything from pretty good coffee to mice. I did buy some more pants, shawls, and opium weights. Everyone should have those. We manager to stay together and not lose anyone. By about 12:45, even the shoppers were shopped. Since I was rather determined to try all the public transportation, we took the sky way as far as we could. a nice man from CA helped us get oriented to the system. I was happy I didn't lose the ticket since you need it to get out of the system. The ride was very smooth and quiet. We cabbed the rest of the way and I think several of us had our eyes closed as we raced across the city. After a beer and some short rest, the four of us took off for the river. We found a long boat that would take the four of us on a ride up and down the canals. Next to the Elephant camp, this was one of the highlights. The journey took us by all the little places that people live. With very few exceptions, every house had flowers growing in something. There were the usual dogs and when a family had a baby, they put the child up and waved its little hand toward us. There were a few boat people floating about trying to sell us beer, but we were not buying, so the boat driver quickly stopped trying to pass.
While we had had some concern about getting into the boat and some concern about racing about the river in a boat the appeared to have a few holes and no life saving devices.. it was getting out that proved my low point. I thought that if I just sat on the tire on the dock, I could just swing around.. well the boat started to move away and I ended up looking like a beached whale.. with Sheila trying to haul me in ... we laughed and laughed and I laughed so hard I did not see the naked man crawling out of the water. It was a great fun day and the second day we ate Italian. Before the boat trip, I moved my luggage to the StarDome Inn where I will be staying when I return to BK. After dinner we walked back and Sheila prepared to leave.. shower and some ice cream. She is a great woman...well lots of child in her so that is why it was so easy to have fun with her. ( Sasha.. she slept with her little penguin)... Again on the boat, she took aim to snap a photo.. and then moved to get a picture of the bottom of the boat. Great fun. We sent her to the airport at 9:30... with some other folks so she will be just fine. I am sure she will start to laugh on the way home when she thinks of all the great joy we have all had. We are getting up or rather we are leaving for Cambodia at I need to get some sleep. The rest of the trip will be different without Sheila and Anne... more tomorrow from the Kingdom of Cambodia....b
While we had had some concern about getting into the boat and some concern about racing about the river in a boat the appeared to have a few holes and no life saving devices.. it was getting out that proved my low point. I thought that if I just sat on the tire on the dock, I could just swing around.. well the boat started to move away and I ended up looking like a beached whale.. with Sheila trying to haul me in ... we laughed and laughed and I laughed so hard I did not see the naked man crawling out of the water. It was a great fun day and the second day we ate Italian. Before the boat trip, I moved my luggage to the StarDome Inn where I will be staying when I return to BK. After dinner we walked back and Sheila prepared to leave.. shower and some ice cream. She is a great woman...well lots of child in her so that is why it was so easy to have fun with her. ( Sasha.. she slept with her little penguin)... Again on the boat, she took aim to snap a photo.. and then moved to get a picture of the bottom of the boat. Great fun. We sent her to the airport at 9:30... with some other folks so she will be just fine. I am sure she will start to laugh on the way home when she thinks of all the great joy we have all had. We are getting up or rather we are leaving for Cambodia at I need to get some sleep. The rest of the trip will be different without Sheila and Anne... more tomorrow from the Kingdom of Cambodia....b
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Back in Reality
We left the wonderful nest this am and travelled to Chaingmai to go to a silver shop only to find that there was a big flower show and the streets were closed. It was grid lock.. so we made it to the airport and flew to Bangkok. This is like ParkAve fest on speed. teams of people just pouring down the street... said goodbye to Anne who left today via SanFran to be home so she can work Monday. Sheila and I did a big walk about Chinatown and around the Wat area at sun set. We watched some men delivering ice by sending very large blocks of ice from a truck to the store using a skinny boards. It was fun trying to get a picture.. when you got organized,,the ice was gone. We also stumbled into a Muslim meeting.. around 7 we ate Italian... the noise and the pollution and the crowds makes you understand why folks drink a lot. We both got a pedicure and manicure for 200 baht... I hope I don't get some hoof and mouth. We did catch a little TV today to learn about the bad storm in Fl. I think we will get a dish of ice cream at McDonald's.. and call it a night. I am bunking with Sheila tonight since there is an extra charge for a private and neither of us care. Tomorrow we are going to get up early and go to the weekend market and then who knows. Sheila goes tomorrow... I am super tired tonight and the heat and noise is getting to this old person. I am sure I will have to find quiet spaces next week... There are thousands of very young pretty am girls walking about with money boys. there are also many older funny looking am men walking with very attractive Thai women. More tomorrow... b.
Friday, February 02, 2007
how did it get to be Friday... but enough. Last night was one of the magic events of the trip. We had a Thai buffet with my favorites - young eggplant fritters and rice with veggies. We carved bamboo cups and put rice whisky in it and toasted. I would not recommend the rice whiskey if you had something to do the next day, but I was good an only had a very small amount. The buffet was terrific.. and they had two music folk playing a guitar and a funny looking single string fiddle with a bow. The music sounded Gaelic or like a step dance. After the meal, we lit large lanterns... I will have to get pictures with this so you can have a small idea. It took five of us with a lighter to get it organized and ready to go up. When in the air, it went about to the top of the mountain and then sailed off to the north. We each had a "balloon" and so the group lit about five. We made a wish for the year and our life. It was very magical to look way way up in the sky and see the lanterns floating off. I would guess they were about 1/4 mile up and way.. and still burning. As it happened, my balloon experience included Dan, Anne, Sheila and Dan's wife Ellen.. so once again the elephant tribe was united. We all slept like logs. This morning I sorted my stuff out .. treasures for friends.. what goes to Cambodia.. Can you believe it.. bonny goes to Cambodia. After favorite .. scrambled eggs and cheese with a hot fresh baked roll and coffee with fresh squeezed OJ... heaven. we did yoga. I did the last walk to town with me and noted all the wonderful flowers and green trees. We again had a great lunch at the school and then gave the children treats and crayons, and books. The children at the school are Hill tribe and to a person, they bowed and said thank you. It was very emotional since we have all come to love the children. While they are not rich kids, they brush their teeth after each meal and smile and look healthy.. and appear to enjoy everything. Not a drop of rain here.. temp in the mid 80's... everything rich and lush.. I looked at the faces and thought.. you have to be taught to hate.. they only are open and caring....
After the school experience, about 6 of us went to the caves. I was OK going in but shortly after we started, I could feel that there was very little oxygen in the room and I was a little concerned about breathing. We were with two women who had lanterns. I crawled trough the first small opening.. but I was very happy that all the others except Monika and Utta her dtr.. said I don't think so. They saved me from having to wish that I was in Kansas. Before we turned around, we did see the bats hanging from the ceiling.. no big deal for me.. but the lack of oxygen and not being able to ask.. how long in a small space etc. made this a challenged. I really enjoyed the Chang (elephant) beer when I got back.. I have had more beer this week.. 2 a day than I have had since my Buddha days.. I am not saying only 4 precepts in the am...killing, sex, lying, stealing and leaving off the alcohol. At night I say all 5.. then for a 1/3 of the day, I am following my precepts...
Tomorrow at 10 we will leave this wonderful place and go back to Chiangmai and directly on to Bangkok for two days.. then Cambodia.. so.. bye for now... b.
After the school experience, about 6 of us went to the caves. I was OK going in but shortly after we started, I could feel that there was very little oxygen in the room and I was a little concerned about breathing. We were with two women who had lanterns. I crawled trough the first small opening.. but I was very happy that all the others except Monika and Utta her dtr.. said I don't think so. They saved me from having to wish that I was in Kansas. Before we turned around, we did see the bats hanging from the ceiling.. no big deal for me.. but the lack of oxygen and not being able to ask.. how long in a small space etc. made this a challenged. I really enjoyed the Chang (elephant) beer when I got back.. I have had more beer this week.. 2 a day than I have had since my Buddha days.. I am not saying only 4 precepts in the am...killing, sex, lying, stealing and leaving off the alcohol. At night I say all 5.. then for a 1/3 of the day, I am following my precepts...
Tomorrow at 10 we will leave this wonderful place and go back to Chiangmai and directly on to Bangkok for two days.. then Cambodia.. so.. bye for now... b.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
comment on comments
thank you all for your notes. It is such a small world with the internet. The acupunture was very helpful for my knee.. took a few days to feel good.
Hey Teens and tots.. special note to my Dominic.. maybe he can read his name.
Hey Teens and tots.. special note to my Dominic.. maybe he can read his name.
Yesterday morning we did yoga at the tables. The weather was such that you could see your breath. Bonny has been a very happy person. While it gets to 50 or so at night it is only in the mid 80's in the sun during the day. After yoga we walked up to a Wat that as built up in the mountains in a cave. Lots of steps.. maybe 500 or so, but the walk was so very beautiful with orchids on the right and left and birds chirping. The sky is pretty clear here vs Bk where it is dark at 4:30 from the smog. After I took my note that said (stupid am lost glasses) to all the beer shops in the villiage and bought a roasted banana, I made friends with some of the young mothers and took pictures of their homes. Empty rooms with a TV.. They make baskets in this village and the infants have very nice swinging baskets to sleep in. It is not easy for me to read the blog once it has been sent... so I am not remembering if I wrote that there is no birth control here... dog everywhere with swollen breast with pups some place, cats all over and babies. I have some terrific pics of four people on scooters. They can really pack it on the two wheels. Last night we had a fun dinner with lots of laughs at the Thai rest. at the nest. There are two places to eat.. one with liver pate and roast pork and one with rice and veggies. GREAT FOOD. I am also happy to say that my entire body has made the adjustment to the new food and schedule without missing a beat... (again happy bonny). I did not sleep well last night since I was going to try to wake folks up to help prepare the meal for the monks. As you know, the monks come down the hill once a day to get there food for the day. If you make an offering you should have a veggie, meal, dairy, fruit. We got up this am to stir fry the food and make a "meatball" of rice and pork with spices and egg. The food is bundled up into little plastic bags .. such as 3-4 meatballs in a bag. We all stood out at the road waiting.. waiting waiting for the monks. Some started a fire to keep warm.. it was a hurry up and wait experience. I walked a mile or so to scout out the monk and then ran back. everyone lined up.. one holding the plate.. and one taking the object (bag of meat, orange,etc) and carefully putting it into the bowl with out touching the bowl or the monk. You are not to look at or touch the monk.. One of the joksters said we should ruffle the shaved head and say "nice do". The group went back for some warm soup. I just have not gotten around the rice soup in the am... so I had an omlet with cheese, and a fresh baked roll with homemade jelly and curls of butter with a pot of coffee... really roughing it. After breakfast we went to town.. some of us did .. and I got my great wok, pair of pants (just what I needed) and had an espresso at the Cafe/Cafe. The special of the day was pizza with mushroom and tomato. Some of the folks got some gold jewelry. I should say that ChiangDao is very simple and very Thai.. in spite of the Cafe. I stopped at a computer store.. Pentium 4.. wide screen etc. 21,000 (bt is 35.66 today). It will be hard to leave this piece of heaven. I could rent a house for 100 bt a month... you could live here for very little. It is expensive to eat where we are .. but it is very great for a vacation. Tomorrow I go to the cave. Since I have been eating so well.... if you don't hear from me for a few days it is because I am in the cave waiting to reduce to a size I can squeeze out with.. My fear says don't go.. but my other self says.. you will not be happy if you give into fear. Again, I can not say enough about most of the folks on the trip.. with maybe one or two exceptions.. we are a bonded team that would walk a mile for another. I will try to write after the cave. then it will be easier in the big city. love to all.. b.
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Eleventh Day
Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...
Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...
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