Monday, February 12, 2007

End of the day - last Monday

Earlier in the day, I had seen a sign for a waterfall that looked to be about11 miles out of town... well I had rented the bike for a day.. so I pulled the little deal up the hot mountain road .. I actually found an important ministry with lots of monks and monkeys. It was hysterical to watch a little one in a jacket playing you can't catch me with some woman. It was a great ride.. I got more sun than I should have.. but oh the vit D. I see the Oswego area has 107 inches and it is 28 degrees.. lordy.. I will probably be in for a body fright. I think if I do come this way again, I will get a scooter.. not in BKK... you can die of car exhaust there.. but here it is great. GP... the woman next to me is buy/selling.. you don't need to be home...I don't want to stare..but it looks like gold. There are condos for sale 4m 300K... this is a resort town.. no fisherman pants here... (except mine.) I was afraid to put gas in the I gave the woman 100 bt rather than fill it up.. she was happy since the bike only cost 200bt for the day. Not having a 2cy oil/gas engine.. it could have been costly. Hey it toted me around.. I could pick it up and turned toward the traffic. Only one sorta .. uncomfortable.. the real express bus was turning across my lane.. he waited .. smart man. I think a few were surprised to see this older Farang woman .. flying over the mountains on a broken down scooter and helmet that probably fit Attila the hun...a little strap under the chin and no padding.. I am alive and well and very very happy I did not let me talk me out of it. Another great shower and then a facial.. nice spa .. she did a super job and then decided I needed my hand nails trimmed.. I was lying there with my eyes closed.. when she said.. same color.. so I said yes. I work up to bright red color like my toes... I thanked her graciously and gave her 460 bt for the entire project. By the time I got my sneakers on with the wet nails.. I was off to the 7/11 to get polish remover.. and my train nuts. It is 7:30... too early for bed.. and not a good thing to have lots of beer.. and I can't take Gorillas of the mist.. (HBO movie) nor much more FOX... only stations that get in.. I did watch a health show about aloe.. I made up the words but I think he cured the woman... fun ... The woman at this place is very competent.. I did something and got Japanese...not good.. don't think you can read it. I have the sniffles so I will go take my homeopathic stuff.. shower again.. pack.. sleep in the undies.. and out the door at 5 for the 5:20 plane. I will go to the gem store around 11:30 tomorrow am... it is now 7:30am home time... tide is out ...and the sun is down... a few more days and this phase of this adventure is over... It is so good to be back at life... ;) b.

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Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...