I am sorry about he sideways shot.. but this is a vase of quail nests... they were not happy about my picture taking and I now realize that even thought I adjust the pic in my folder, it gets copied the way it was taken...learning curve. but you can get the idea of the size via the orchid. These are not as expensive as some.. a box of the most expensive ones are about $1000. Wish someone would give me that for my home....

again.. sorry... but you can see what you can do with your old tires.. wonder if the preservation district would approve of the lawn furniture. This was sitting out side an auto repair place and the workers had just finished lunch. There are so many interesting things to see. In the pictures, you will not get the sense of close hot steamy quarters. The little streets... about two and half people wide, has scooters, delivery wagons and people all trying to go in two directions. It is not for the faint hearted or anyone with close quarters issues. This will be my last sideways pic.. but as you can see how hard it is to down load.. better than nothing.

I thought of Sheila when I saw this stall. These are in the button area.. row after row of buttons. Then a shop with weaving stuff.. then a shop or two of thread.. etc.. Speaking of thread, I again watched the women plucking the face hair with string. I did not want to be too rude, but they appear to keep one end of the string in their mouth and the then use both hands to move the twisted thread around a single hair.. and then pull the ends.. catching the hair.. and pop. You have to see this to believe it... a Joe note. when I take a continuous shot.. you can almost see a movie of the process.. neat stuff. I am now taking a look via auto to get a read.. and then going to the amp setting for my shot choice.. distance, close etc. thank to Monika and Georgette and Joe.. the camera is getting much use.
this is where I started the blog.. and when the pics came.. I just went up to put the text in.. I lost a pic trying to move them.. well.. I will get this..
It is the morning after and did I have fun.... But a wait on that (teaser for my yesterday dull blog). I know it is very cold. In talking with Beth last night, she froze her hands while getting gas for the van that finally gave up the ghost. And I know that you don't want to hear that I thought I was getting over heated yesterday. Which leads to the reaffirmation.. middle way is the best way. When I try to be coherent in the after noon so you get a block in the morning, it is just not working. My brain felt fried and it was a more than struggle to even think of what I was doing rather than what I did. Add to it the keyboard not working on all keys and you get some wired stuff. So while I might add a quick note in the afternoon, I think I will try to do more of the story in the morning. I am at my usual spot, the pics have been in download for 15 min. Since I think it takes about the same for one as several... we shall see.
I am not sure what the temp was yesterday but the humidity was 200%. In the ultimate diet you are to try to sauna for 30... try 6 hrs and 8.5 miles of walking. I think this might be a way to lose wt, except you have to drink to stay hydrated.. and the Chung is easier than the bottled water. I find Chinatown very interesting. I have the same feeling as the shoe stores at Market
place.. I buy 1 pair of sneakers on line a year.. who buys all the shoes that are sold at the many shoe stores. HIP HIP I see pictures... and only 20 later.
Post picture text
I must say a little about the evening. I went to street food with Beth and a yoga guy.. Joseph. I can tell you don't call him Joe. but anyway. After Beth and I had a beer.. another long story.. (I can hear Liz say.. so......) well that will wait. I had gone to the Hillel lodge and made arrangements to go to the airport via their bus. I went out to the airport at 10.. got there at 10:30.. got a coffee to keep awake. On the way to the bus, I remembered I did not have the santa hat that she would be looking for.... well how many old white women would be standing in the line waiting.... zip zip... nata..a. nil. I had her picture.. I made a sign that said Zen Thai.. ok it was only a 8x11...but if you were looking... I wore the shirt that I was wearing in my pic that I sent her. The plane is in early... great... I worked my way to the head of the line and end of the line.. the first one you would see when you came thought. I pretended I was a NYer.. and every young looking lost blond that came thought.. easy to see when everyone else has dark eyes, hair and slanting eyes.... every one that even remotely looked like it could be someone .. traveling alone younger than 80... I shouted.. MOLLY....... of course I did not write down her last name.. this would be a piece of cake... 11...11:30...12....12:30....1 I was now into molly... and I had to use the toilet... (coffee at 10:30). I had her paged...Molly of Zen Thai... I tried calling the a hotell..a.busy busy.... I am not ready for the travel business... at 1:30.... I crawled out of the airport.. sunk in the back of the cab.. with the driver... no luggage.. travel alone.. you running away... that was the best thought anyone had that evening.. but then.. if you run you only take you... there was a bad accident on the road... but when we got back to the hotel.. the street was quiet.. I slide into bed at 2:30am... and said..............................
you can finish that... I am now off to the museum .. there is an English tour at 9:30.... must run
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You go girl !!!!!!!!!!
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