Saturday, January 26, 2008

out of BKk

ok.. well today was spent getting up and getting out to Chiang Mai. There was a good group off to the market.. we spent about 2 hrs at the market and I think folks had a good time. I got my blue and pink pashmena for my breakfast group. We got back t 1 and had to rush to the airport.. then rush to security .. then my bags were heavy.. then then then.. at the end of it as I sat there.. I decided that was was not bonding with the yoga group and it was going to be a big let down to go off to CD. While I love the food and the life.. i think those folks are very advanced and I just did not feel that there was a connection.. so.. I am staying in Cm and not go on to Chiang Dao. I will not take more time tonight.. but that is the news. So .. I have the shawls, the amulets... three spirit houses and my hat. Tomorrow will bring more information.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Finally got a chance to catch up on all of your adventures...stay happy & well...look forward to seeing more posts & pics
Take care ~ Elaine

Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...