The woman in the for front is Tina.. she is an IT at strong.. we shared not getting much sleep when we are on projects. Next to her is John (or Johnny as Carrie would say) and Carrie.. they are a cute couple .. Carrie teaches yoga in Pittsford and John is in Insurance.. he notices the OSHA issues. they are lots of fun. and Carrie and Beth look like high energy bookends.
This is our fearless leader in his leading mode before songtaw loading to go the hill.... they leave at 10:30 tomorrow and I will be at Dan's and my doc at 10
It is raining.. and I found some money.. so I will wait for the pics to arrive and tell you something about the massage process. Last night, this young woman went from a neck and back massage to my feet. She worked and worked.. and then did my legs. This cost 120... and I gave her a 40 baht tip... the baht is 33.2.. so about $4. I am not sure what she got but it is small pay. I will have another tonight.. or maybe a full body.. for 350... or $10. It is great and feels wonderful to take care of myself.
Changing money is another thing. You can change into baht but I need to change some 20 in 5&1 American.. that will be hard. I never thought about needing small bills in Laos... this could be tricky. Marge and Wendy will also need money. We will be in the same area for a night. I am staying in a riverside hotel as are they.. except I think their hotel has a chandelier. I was planning on going to the Red Cross for a massage and I think the get one in the room....same same. Marge did get out to the morning market.. but said she thought of being a vegetarian after seeing the food handling of the chicken. Well.. at 6am it is a little hard to see hundreds of chicken legs laying open on tables being processed. There were intestines and stomachs etc.. I thought of my chat with Monika re China.. sometime you don't want to go through the kitchen. There are hundreds of monks on parade in the morning and I have two stings around my wrist as we talk.
The place I am in is operated by an Indian.. very spacious and they have coffee.. I am sipping a hazelnut latte for 45.. while I use the computer for 60 for two hours..
Here is a pic of Marge.. many met at my party.. she is an old ski instructor.. and feeling better..
bye again....
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