Ten days and counting. This year, for the most part, I know what to expect, where I am going, what the supports will be re laundry etc. and I am not working so you would think that getting ready would a snap. I am very convinced that it takes the same time to anything and everything, which might be the second sentence to how you do anything is how you do everything. I know what I meant and if you know me, you might get my drift. It would have been a good thing to buy a new camera while I was working, but oh well, the budget can be adjusted and I learned what a great thing pictures are. I am going to buy one of those continuous loops when I get back so I can glance at the screen while I am working and experience some sunny days of pictorial reminders.
So being Bonny, I have set out to be shrink the learning curve regarding my new toy so that when I am in the middle of the Mekong River, I will not be reading the instruction book. I am so very lucky to have talented and learned friends and Brother Joe Arena has been a great help both in helping select the equipment as well as helping me get up to speed with my learning. (the brother part is to remind Cheryl that even though we have had our third date, he is family)I can only tell you that the Nikon D40 SLR Digital, is not the same point and shot 2 mega pix. that I took last year. One of the things that I have spent hours doing is putting pictures to my 2007 blog. I knew there must be a way and one that would allow me to share my visions with the readers. Of course Joe knew how is loaning me his UBS digital reader so that when the puters a UBS slot. I send some pics along the way with my script. Pets are great and my Fritz likes to sit next to me as I work on the computer and had been here with curiosity for much of the camera work. So to try out my new hub and bring along a picture of my assistant, I took a close up of Fritz and then popped it into the text. I will try my best to use upscale computers, but the ones with the Thai letters might not have a UBS slot... I am excited about this new way but I hope not to be lazing in my writing and describe my visions in text as well. Oh, and I have finally figured out the spell check.. so hopefully you will be able to read my blog more easily. Bye for now from Bonny and Fritz
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