I used Georgette's close up for some pics and also got some full views of the wonderful colors. I picked this one to show off the lens.. but I hought it had the most vivid color. I think these are honeysuckle. They actually were more beautiful last year... but the color will bring a smile to the hearts of those that have seen it.
I think I have located some lanterns in the day market. I will talk with folks about how to get some home... I know we did not celebrate Dan's important birthday.. and we might have to wait until summer.. but I will try to bring some home. this is a picture of John (of John and Carrie..yoga) just letting his off.. It brings out the child in us all....

I am sorry to say, I did not get a shot of me in the tellatuby outfit.. so I will check with the others. there are 4 puters along.. everyone is sharing and downloading.. and adding music..
It is 3:51 on Monday afternoon.. or am to all of you. I see the Giants won the superbowl. There was a superbowl brunch at 2am at one of the places near the sunday market. Beth got up for it and one of the others. funny what people will do. When I am home I will not do much about it.. having gone to a few parties only to see folks get a little drunk. My roommate stayed out until almost 3am.. and then when to thai school..mmm I hope it isn't an important lesson... or a client might end up in a knot. I am so glad I blog and also so happy to get mail from so many of you. Last year, I hardly knew if my pooch was alive and this year dear Georgette sends a woof daily. Also it is fun to know that someone reads this. again, I was surprised to hear that anyone read it and was surprised that folks did follow the journey. As you know, this part will probably end up at the bottom of the blog since the pictures will come to the top in about 20 min. not a rapid deal. first I load them on to a folder.. then add them to the blog and then trash them off #3 puter. Mr Angel is going off to Chinese New Years a happy wealthy man. I have $350 in silver in my bag and misty picked up 16 more... so that is close to $500... marge and wendy etc. and then the others that bought things. He is a sweet man. I meant to tell you... one side is polished and the other dull.. with his name on the bottom of the foot... He asked me to come back and take some pictures in his shop... think he is hoping you all will want to buy.
I got a train ticket today for Sat night.. this might be tricky.. but hope it will work out ok. I will leave ChiangMai Sat at 4pm .. and arrive in BKK at 7am Sunday. I am thinking I might just go out to the airport and check in the lungage and get my treasure bag shrink wrapped and then come back to the city.. I want to get one more facial before I leave. No one picks at your face like the gals next to the buddy.
Foot massages have been varied.. again last night.. Beth Misty and I went out ...they are the shoppers...we went to the sunday market.. I ate quail eggs and crepes...good thai food ;) and then we had a foot massage. we all sat down.. one two three. let me back up just a moment. in the early afternoon, I went to the garage for a pappya salad.. I bit into a pepper that was behond 12 stars... everyone just looked at me as my face turned red and I started to sweat.... I ate cabbage.. drank some beer...and thought I hope it is not true...in hot out hot....or I will melt the porceline. So later in the day when I sat down.. and the first woman started to stroke Beths legs and she ws saying.. harder.. and the Misty's legs were a lathered up and being stroked... I looked down at attilla the hun who was trying to dig through my leg with the wooden pick... I am sure I cried... she didn't miss a beat.. and when she looked at me, I tried to smile.. and she smiled and dug away. The only distraction was the sight of the lanterns going over head... This young thing only did feet.. another woman finished up my shoulders and back. In reality, when she finished, my legs felt very good.... but I thought she was trying to put dimples in my toes.
So I just sat in an mexican rest. and had egges.. something familiar... it is now 4;11 and still no pictures... I must love you all....
This will be disjointed .. more than usual. The hill tribe folks are not at the caves.. don't know where they went. Also, the little amulet lady did not have too much. No woman with cigar..and no down adult...
I had breakfast a the Galare and did not go to the market... I walked to the acupuncture and then stopped at the elephant for the train ticket. After.. which was about 1pm, I went and chatted with the monks.. interesting..perfect English. He had tatoos... engish on the front and thai on the back. It is hot today and I will go and have a rest when I finish here.. and then we are going to some hot pot deal. Sounds like you go pick out what you want to cook and tgen cook it in a comon pot.... strange.
I think this computer stuff is starting to get to me.. I have re loaded the pictures for the third time... I am not doing it.. one at a time. It is almost 5 and we will go to dinner at 6:30. The acupunture dr worked on my ear today and my knees.. want a kind person she is.. I might be off to the golden triangle tomorrow.. so you might not get too much posting.. bye for now...
1 comment:
Hi Bonny--Fascinating reading of your adventures. The massages sound perfect--especially the one with the sign, "Men by Men!" The food looks and sounds quite appealing--we'll have to go to South Avenue for Mexican when you get back for a comparison. Joe and Cheryl just left here from a planning session for our Italy trip. Maybe we'll get to see you back home before we leave. Stay well--we miss ya! Rob Goodling
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