Getting pictures into the blog as I travelled was a bit of a challenge and there were many that I thought would be really better than words.. One being - Digby does Thailand. From the moment I saw these two men, and I am sorry I did not get a pic of the other, they made me smile. This is a picture I took at the very plush Bangkok airport. There is about a mile of designer shop.. and duty free stuff. When I sipped a brew with a couple from new England in Laos, the question was.. what is the story with the two guys in black you see all over town toting this doll. In this picture, the doll is sitting in the airport buggy that you use for your luggage. The one "father" has taken off his coat and put it over the carrier. I did not want to just go up and look at what was going on, but it appeared that they had a little seat belt arrangement for the doll. At the airport, I did ask the partner, what is the story with your doll, and he said.. oh, that is our mascot (I think he said digby) and he goes everywhere with us.... Everywhere is an understatement. In this picture, father the dentist, is carrying the tyke over a crude bridge leading from a very primitive tribal village in the middle of no place on the Mekong River. Just after this shot, he asked a fellow traveller to take a picture of them on the bridge.. only in the US.. and only in NYC. could this "family" grow. In the
bag with Dig.. was a piece of silk he bought to cover a panel in their NY apt. The two men (Dig did not appear to have an opinion) argued whether the panel would be right or cover the panel or was a good as the one they bought in bora bora.. they probably paid $4.. toss it out was my thought.. but that would not make as funny a story. Now, on the plane, I did not need a seat belt.. I had to use two hands and strong arm myself out of the tight fit seat.. (which I sat in for 17 hrs less toilet time)... the dig group, were in economy plus.. one less seat in the middle.. I could have actually felt my own thigh if I was sitting there. I am not sure.. but I believe that Dig had a seat next to the other "father".. again.. I will remember these two.. and they just love corn hill...

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