Saturday, February 09, 2008

Sat..end of passage

(Liz.. sorry this is not better.. 2800 baht... maybe you can blow it up.... I can not edit the pic in this form)

This will be the last day most of the folks are here. Most of the yoga, including Rick leave on the 1am tomorrow morning flight. Rick stayed up in CD until this am.. think he might have want to avoid the matting crowd.... I had a short chat with him and he and Stewart went into a viliiage sports day .. lots of funny games and drinking and he said it was very enjoyable... I think that would have been fun. Although it has gone back and forth. I think he is going to take some of Beth's stuff which will require some mutual conversation. This morning Beth was beginning to think going to India was going to keep her far frm her pooches for too long a time.. so who knows what is happening. Not my concern. But let me go back to last night. We went to the new market at the night bazar.. they had dancing and drama.. as in boys carrying swords who pretended to be fighting. Anyway how this goes, you buy tickets...and then purchase your food at a booth.. I got nan, mixed veggies (indian) rice and veggies(thai) .. beer.. I tried to by coffee without ice.. but no go..anyway.. the meal cost 150 b. It was the end of the Thai class so they invited Mac, Mom. and Mac's brother to come in for dinner. We went at 7...I was tired at 11 and came home.. at 2:30.. my roommate came in to tell me she was going out again to a disco.. and did so...When she came back at 4:45.. the teacher and bro were in tow as well as one of the young thai students. Everyone shift around and in the morning there where three of us in my room. They are all great folks.. just some tip a few too many.. By noon most had wiped the sweat off. and were functioning. Man, if I drank like that.. I would in the hospital..

When the students stopped me yeasterday and asked what I did not like of Thailand.. I said the dogs. They don't eat them anymore. but they don't take super care of them either. You see signs like this and folks shrang their lunch with the run about dogs. The deal is that after they saw 101 damations they were soft for the dogs. They forgot to note that the dogs were altered.. spayed.. neutered.. These dogs just hatch.

Most of the clocks in Thailand are in english script.. and most are on the same time all day and night.. It is rare to find a working clock.. and even ore some to find one that has Thai numbers.

Many of the people live in very simple rooms. Just a room, or in some cases, in a cardboard area over their shops or in their trucks. You can rent lots of places without a kitchen. So many people depend upon the folks to fix up meals. You can get a meal with rice and sauce and some meat or fish.. all packed up in a small plactic bag. Folks just come by and pick up the bag and give the vendor 20-30 baht.

This is a mail box on the front of a grate near a paper store I visited yesterday. I liked the design and it was rather elegant for the house that it was on.. must be they wanted to fool some of the people.. (at least the mailman). I am going to enjoy fussing with my pictures upon my return. I have many that I have taken where the purpose was a face or foot.. and that will require some photoshop work.

When I went to one of the Wat yesterday.. where the monk's were with the cat. there was an area that had signs.. I really liked many of them.. good words. So I am adding a few.. one for the thought.. and the other (not at the Wat) for the smile. I am off to get some lunch and just relax. tomorrow is 2nd cooking school and the next day.. three health treatments. I will spending the night in the room/bed with beth.... I will try to get some rest today.. she was very sad this am.. and has remembered how many good friends she has here. The silk lady is opening a hotel... likes Beth's work.. and would like her to help her get it going. I think Beth might learn the boutique business from her.. I am looking forward to tomorrow and the next leg of my journey. I like my own company.. and I am someone tired of so many folks.. altough I really enjoyed each person in a special way...... b

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Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...