Tuesday, February 17, 2009

back in Hanoi

This will be a short snap .....what an adventure. It is not for the faint hearted and there were many times we thought of others and said... no way. The train ride last night was very noisy but Page slept better and I can live with almost anything. I have a clean shirt on my dirty body. The roach in the bathroom this am was ride able... oh yes.. western toilets on the train....praise the lord... my legs can just keep me up in an upright position. The sights we have seen were remarkable... teirist rice paddy, eating sugar cane as we walked. seeing the 8 day old baby with more hair than I have now. Nicki the dog. the hills will not show well in the photos since it is always cloudy. From what I understand now their is seafood on the boat... I will live with it. We are one day on the boat and then a hotel.. so no news tomorrow..but think of me laying on a nice red boat with sandpan sails in the beautiful bay ....and getting up to tai chi... more later...b


Anonymous said...

I can only answer with one word - 'Wow !!!!!'.

Can't wait to hear the details. You two are in a very exclusive sorority, having accomplished all that you have. You should be very proud of yourselves.

I'll be logging onto the blog daily. I'm also looking forward to seeing you at the airport, February 23rd, 6:30-ish pm ???


Anonymous said...

I ditto Joe's "Wow!" This portion of your journey sounds both incredible and exhausting. Are you ready to come home?!

Can't wait to see you, hear about your trip and see the photos!


Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...