Parting at the airport. Do these folks look like they are ready to go home or what. I can only tell you if we thought it was hot in Cambodia, it is the humidity here that will get you. I am going to have to review the directionary for another word for hot. I have a bit of a cold and when it is realy hot, it makes me want to just lay down and sleep under a tree. Of course we did not do that. This morning after breakfast -eggs/baguette/coffee we walked about a little and found a nice man Ed who helped get us into the system of things. 100,000=$6. Ham ( as if said by the queen) = No, Come On = thank you.

What more do you need. The first time you take out 1,000,000 you have to really say... only $60. The atm's are everywhere but they spit out 100,000 b

ills and then eaven the shop $ co can't sell you a beer...get change. The hotel helped us out. The street that was loaded with stalls is empty today but there are stalls opn the side of the road that are selling more food, fruits etc. There is the 2nd largest market in Sgn at our courner. are we not lucky. (a large drip of sweat just rolled down my leg. For those who have been in Asia...same same but

different. We did the things you are to do - church post office,

reunification hall etc. 3 million people killed...356000 US... 5200 ausie..etc.. We were told the tomes are very inspirational, but passed. In the building, we toured athe formal and informal areas as well as the bunker for the leaders in case of an attack. We looked for Chaney. We also went to the post office where you can find a nice picture of the namesake to the city.
Ed was a wonded vet who had come back to teach english and help with medical procedures for the kids. He lives in Montana and

stays for 6 months. I can not get a true picture of the people on the road. Amazing. If you are timid..you will still be on the corner. The game is start accross and do not alter your direction and speed and they will work around you.
You can get cheap glasses here..as in $60 for frames and lens. This is a man grinding the lens outside his store. It is time to give up the machine and have a massage. more later
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