We will spend this entry getting caught up. I will begin by thanking Joe for the pics today and say sorry that I will upload the pics and talk about them in the order that they come and hope you can adjust the time. After the facial we really needed a beer. bot that the facial was anything but wonderful.. but we really needed the beer. Not that Cheryl had had the same shirt on in each

picture. We didn't notice but she did so .. we wanted to point out that to the observer. Also.. while it looks like she is sponging up the local beer it is actually
JoAnn that is keeping up with Joe and I. This time I will get some pics in the mix. Here I am at the river station

checking to see that we are going in the right direction. We have taken the river ferry as much as we can so that we can make our trip faster and still see some of the
city. Our station is 13 and it is good luck for us. While we all enjoy Joe, we found that he could be replaced with another whisker fellow. Note that Cheryl is kneeling in the picture.

Thailand offers many visions and many opportunities for a visual overload. There is hardly a
description of the reclining Buddha that

does not end with overwhelming. It is impossible to get a full feeling of the
grandeur of this work since it is so large and massive. While you can not really understand the length, the head to toe can be seen in these pictures. The toes, mother of pearl inlays are very large..

to make merit, we have the opportunity to put coins in 108 monk bowls. Here you can seem myself, Page, and Cheryl putting our coins in the bowls. I thought they had counted

then out and was trying to get a coin into each bowl.. well they guess so I ended with many left. It really takes some time to put a little coin into each bowl.

before we came, I was told that Joe did not liked to be touched and would probably not do the massage.. well guess who is getting his toes rubbed in this pic.. I think he really enjoyed the experience and from the smiles on the foot massage person.. I would say she was "into" Joe. We are all doing well.. Today, after out beer.. our least experienced traveller was off down
Khoason Rd by herself.. and I will let the
Wahl folks wonder whom that might be. I could write more.. but need to get ready for our dinner by the water. Tomorrow after I get the pics organized I will put in about today..
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