I was Eugene O'Neill expert in college and I always thought that Long Days was one hour after an hour of drinking... Yesterday was a long day. Started off my my not hearing the street that held Devon. I got to some super nice places on Englewood Pl and near the medical center only to find that I should be at rt 87/5 on Tanglewood Rd...same same but different... the
other difference was we were 1hr later....but off we went. Well it didn't snow. but...wind, rain, sun, warm, cold and the back again... very dark and bleak to exceptional color... the reds are red. I set the GPS to shortest..so we went by way of Binghamton, Allegheny, Meteor, Columbus and then some back road to Cini and arrived in the darker side of town at dark ...about 9:10... Devon offered to drive, but he had told me about several suspended license times and I opt to drive...drinking coffee, diet Pepsi and eating toots pops. The road demanded you be on the toes...switch backs and SSSSS curves. We stopped along the way and while I was happy to help Devon on his quest, I missed some shots by not having the camera sitting next to me on the seat. I thought of spending some of my mad money and staying at the Arlington, but I looked at my little bed and thought....it is a good thing and so af
ter I dropped Deven off in Cinci at the house with the star....I started toward Indianapolis and saw a walmart on the left side...doubled back and there were an RV and trainer with a race car. I used the bathroom, backed up into the hill, put up GP's window screen and my pillow cases on the windows...opened the front windows an inch and the roof...made the bed and put stuff off to the side. I opened the door and dropped my pants and put on the snuggy PJ bottoms..then crawled in and did the top - set the alarm...and laid back...I had pushed the car down the highway for 14 hrs...eating at a
Wendy's for dinner and I was tired...I counted cars with clickers that start a toot and finally turned my life over to a universe that would tend to me and slowly drifted off to a deep sleep. I will tell you Wally (this one not open past midnight) washes the parking lot with something that sounds like a helicopters...I couldn't have jumped up a
ny faster if the car was being shaken.... you crawl out of the abbis...where am I ...what has happen...and I shot or dead or did a very bad thing just happen to pooh... soon I was oriented...breathing..and back to zzzz....4:59....eyes open....and ready to try to figure how to get the bra on without moving... I got dress....optimistically in shorts although it is 49...and headed off down the direct route...rt
52....and wiggled my way to New Palestine and the Colt 52 breakfast spot.... and then remembered by I was doing this. This is the best coach the town had ever seen and the two pictures on the back wall are him coaching then at the big reunion. He took care of his sister and his mother...and now at 84, he has to let his daughter take care of him. He is resigned, but sad...by the time my $6 eggs were eaten... I had good tips on how get to the Canyon... and everyone knew what I was up to and several came out to see this rolling home...and I smiled... and thought maybe it should be and another beautiful day in paradise.
I am now at the Flying J... and have a month pass on their Internet,,,have checked out the showers...and it is time to hit the road. the blog was easier in Asia... I am calling Georgette before I sleep and then by 9am... so I am fine... and ready to roll....until we meet again...bye for now.
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