It was great to see Mitch... we live too far and have often let too much distance between us...but having so much history including my kitchen and the worst Thai food I have ever tried to eat, it is easy to pick up where we left off. He has a great house and dog, Baxter - who knows how to open the front door and take a walk on the wild side. I have driven for miles a day across some of the worst roads my car and I and bff Sarah GSP have gone, but driving from Mitch's to Amarillo was the slow boat to china across long stretches of open roads (and as Mitch and I know from our first trip...no gas stations for 100 miles).

I stopped at Walmart's in Los Cruses only to find that they only sell 20 pound bags of ice... then as I was leaving the city I noted that although they have 10000 of cacti..they have used a steel one in the meridian.

I had wanted to see the White Sands NP so as you cross the missile range, (comforting) there it is. There was an excellent volunteer telling about how it is becomes sand and white sand and it is hot (87) with young folks sliding down the dunes on saucers in bikini's.

I was tired, I wanted to stop early etc. I did keep going and ended in my Thai trip two Thai massage and farkel playing friend Cindy's yard. As always, I slept well and got out to seek a breakfast stop. Interestingly at 6:30 in the morning the place is hopping with folks with grey hair, cowboy hats, and lots of funny stories about the one's that are not there, fishing trips, what they have done this week etc.
On my way to Amarillo, I stopped in a steakhouse for lunch that had a very good "senior" menu. There were about 15 women playing cards in the bar...all dressed and with their little purses... you would have thought it was the country club.

And who can resist stopping in Roswell... the museum was only open for about 10 min when I got there so they let me run through for free. I bought a book about it and picked up this hitchhiker... didn't talk much.....
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