Saturday, October 10, 2009

yesterday pictures

I have to add pics one at a i will do that at dinner.

The drive over from the campground near Sedona to DeChelly was lots of open space - poor trailers or houses with lots of trucks and cars. This park is free so I will probably stay a few nights since I will tour all day tomorrow in an open jeep at the base of the canyon. While the altitude is not super high, it is still a quick drop to the canyon floor. I have been listening people talk more and more... and saying nothing...but offering opinions about folks that are not present.

Last night at the campground was a family with three children and very nice dog. The father helped me back the car into a parking spot. I slept very well even if it was by a high way. There was no sink just a portapotty...but otherwise....very nice warm and comfortable.

I took time to organize the car and put things were I know where they are... and hid my little stash of beer since I will be in the Navaho Nation for the nexts few days.

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