Thursday, December 24, 2009

Twas the day before Christmas.....

Twas the day before Christmas, when all through the house
all the creatures were stirring, even a mouse
The clothes were tossed in the laundry basket with care
and my front tooth was not even there.
The mirror reported what I had envisioned with dread
With visions of socializing with a mouth gap dancing in my head.
I thought of the drug store and glue for a cap,
Had just settled in my brain or should I take a long winter's nap?
When out of the blue the house phone started to chatter,
I sprang to the handle to hear what was the matter.
Hello this is Dr Chung and a toothless smile I did flash,
for he said I bet I can fix it with a blink of a lash.
Dressed, oatmeal and coffee and I was ready to go
To North Greece with my bagged tooth and I didn't drive slow
When what to my wondering eyes should appear
But my dentist with a smile and cheer.
With tooth in hand and so lively and quick
I know in a moment soon there would be a fix.
More rapid that eagles his fingers did move
And soon the tooth was back in the groove.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
and filled the socket, then turned with a jerk
He fixed the bridge with a polish and file
within an hour I was back with my smile.
And so to one and all on Christmas Eve and Night
A good friend and dentist can make everything right.

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Eleventh Day

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