Saturday, January 02, 2010

Bill of Health

I ended the year with my annual visit to the Dr...having had all the test except the mammogram, I came in to our time knowing that my bones are stronger, my butt is clear, my eyes have slightly improved, my blood pressure is again 120/80. Bernard is a one of a kind tall bearded Dr who was wearing shoes that have toes in them rather than a rounded ends, who surfs in Irondequoit Bay all year when there is no ice and who spends our time sitting in comfortable chairs talking about life and adventures. So we checked out a few things, found that my Cholesterol was 188 and out of it all, I needed a little more Vit D. Good to go. I told him about community acupuncture, some of the lesser known canyons and he told me of the beauty of Jordon. In some ways, I am sorry there is nothing wrong since I enjoy his company so very much. He encourages me to keep going and without saying so, do the outrageous. Last year, I asked for a stress test since I did not want poor Page to get stuck with an ailing travel buddy and this year as I think of a month at the monastery and walking my second marathon, I wanted to at least start knowing I was in good health.
So 4000 D’s and I will be ready to rip. As I read my own words I sometimes think, wow, that was not an up writing and I know that many that read are in for the ups, but that just isn’t life. In college I had an ulcer. I was always campaigning for some student political office or leading the basketball team etc., I tried very hard to be “nice” and I was for most of the time. It was in the car, or trying to sleep that I found the rage inside and after years of not eating anything spicy and living on stomach coatings, I came to the conclusion that I needed to get in touch with me. In observing folks, I found that many of the girls/women in my life didn’t deal, they just walked away and many of the boys/men in my life shouted at each other and then did not walk away. I liked that idea. So the more I just started walking up and saying “listen, this is what you did/said effected me” I felt much better. My blood pressure went down, I can eat Thai food, and I am physically healthy.
Buddy Cheryl is often saying, you are in better health today than you were three years ago. That is more than true. Better than I was thirty years ago. I want to keep it that way, so I will make a few tweaking changes and try not to run with the bulls ( my way of saying get out of the community bullshit), eat my own food, etc. Life is a roller coaster – and that is good. I must also remember standing in Tampa Bay looking at some monster ride debating getting my ticket.... when the logic kicked in... the ride only lasted 56 seconds.... I could hang in hell for that long, but if I didn’t get on...I would miss the challenge... so bring it on 2010.

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