Sunday, January 29, 2012

scooting sunday

I am writing must later on Monday since I started my class today and did not want to be late. Also  I  am writing this on line so it will take me a little longer and will not write as much. So yesterday, I had a long talk with me and said..why am I worried about getting  bike... mostly it is that I see frang who had never been on a bike riding all over and not having a clue.   So..I went to the shop and gave them my passport and got an automatic with a large under-seat compartment for my camera...and a basket for my etc.  The helmet... if you can call it that is for a boy... it is a little like WWII army helmet...  that you could boil soup in... but i am wearing it most of the time...just not down the street to eat. This is not a super picture...but i had to put the self timer on a trash can etc... you get the picture.... and I don't undo the helmet.. just pull it off of my chin....I think all it will do is keep the road dust off my hair... maybe
I went around and around the city a few times to get my left side going ...but in general...even though I am saying stay left all the time... I am sure I will be fine.

So I went to a very large Wat...and remain amazed at the construction folk who scamper up and down on bamboo poles.  There is usually a time clock, a gong and some stuff to buy to give to the monk.  Here you can see me putting in the 108 coins in the bowl... that was for a pray to keep me safe
Then the night market.   I am not one to buy things I do not need.   I  bought 2 pair of pants and 2 shirts... i  will ware to Chi Kong  look over the stuff and it you would like something...just tell me and it will be honor to get it...but to buy to buy and give so you can say thank you and then put it in a  box only to say.. now what do I do with this... not my style.
fans                                 wood carving wall hang         hats (the in thing)          inlay wall hanging
an painted umbrella         scarf collection             pants                                        a dog jacket
jean shorts purse              dog hat                         pillow cases                     cotton scarves.
Really...anything anyone might want...just let me know.
Todays Chi Gong class was great..and he has a super book  and DVD.... i am ready for this....

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Eleventh Day

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