Thursday, February 02, 2012

I have a cold but no front tooth

I remember well when I had the cancer on the nose and the skin graft. It was really much that I kept a bandade on except when I was at home or sleeping. Looked like an angry crow bit at my nose. I asked my mother if she wanted to see it and she said NO. So I took it that I had a face (ok a nose) that not even a mother could love. It is Thursday and I am sitting in my room with the sun at the window trying to get myself together. As it turned out Dr. Lek had food poisoning. He said he was not 100% went he was working on me, but that night I was violently ill and needed major medication and sleep so he was out a day. We made up for it today... I had four injections and one I thought came out the top of my head...I had 1 or 2 posts..l.not sure and then the impression process which ended up with him telling me to take long deep breath through my nose and not to swallow... At that point I was thinking the massage was a piece of cake for I was gagging and again wanted the Mother I never had. In the end, he put in a tempoary three teeth bridge and took my I am toothless. I am still numb, but have taken the pain medication and as soon as I can feel my lip I am sure I will be ok. There are a few things I have my legs don't ache..not sure if from the acupuncture or chi kong.or the by the book massage....or my regular attention to my vitamins. I oiled myself today with the coconut oil before the bath..some comes off but some stays on...and I used the sesame oil –chewing it...and my glands are much better.I stopped at an upscale coffee place on my way to class and got a 80 bht coffee...I only paid 86 for a full lunch yesterday..lordy... before class I had my tea ---immune system and then class and again wet. I stopped at only of my now favorite spots for a mean...the breakfast club and had eggs over easy, home made and still warm whole gran bun – butter and marmalade with a large cup of american coffee...120..delicish... then back to shower and relax before I scooted to the university/zoo area and dentist. I was early so I had a strawberry shake and fruit cake....55 bht.
So here's smiling at you kid until Tuesday at 11....
I spoke with Jacque this other student and he showed me a great motorcycle loop map which I got and will do that treck on Sunday. I am going to backpack and take pictures.. If I feel comfortable on the back road I will wear the camera otherwise, I will not go too far and stop many times... I miss taking pictures.
I will take out the vietnam cold pills for tonight... I have an upper respitory infection which I will have to tend to. It is morning and I have had not my best night. I think my fever has gone..the roof of my mouth is swollen... and I am not up to Chi Gung although I need a shot of energy. I' ll go to the flora garden today....
I have booked my Burma run for 7am february is 550 and then I will pay 500 at the the run will be 1050 which will give me 15 days until 26 and I leave I will pay 1000 baht for an over stay..since I don't want to do a 8 hr bus trip to save 50 baht..nor go to the airport for a 7 day for 1200 ...or 200 more than the 1000....
Monika will enjoy this. The other night I went and got scotch tape for the map and worked at putting it together. When I got home from class, no map... so I went to Gecko and bought another...rationalizing that the old one was worn. Yesterday, when madame brought the tea...she brought my now I have one for next time. This scooter works much better..and I am doing very well on it.  

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Eleventh Day

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