Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Teeth complete :) - park/zoo


I never thought about grilling eggs on a stick...but that is what is on the grill.  My quail eggs are cracked and put into a hot pan....this would give new meaning to fire up the barbee.  I went to a garden park which is also an exercise park and they do morning chi gong there... I was there in the afternoon...but I thought the sign was fun...the other fun thing on the cycle was...well of course they deliver the mail on a scooter.  The mailman was having lunch...and of course was watching the mail as he ate and smiled as I tookI think a reader would get the idea that I really find having a scooter very freeing, I took my time in the morning so I was ready for Dr Lek. The process went smothly but he wanted me to wait 24 hrs before I put the tooth in to let the cement set...so what is another day. I stopped back at the big Wat to see what the 2 day meditation schedule was and then went to an exercise park and enjoyed an ice tea in the park..and then off to the zoo. the shot.  In the shot in between are the sleeping dogs who are not going to move for anything.
 The top left is the sleeping mother who is now is a different place that her large child and mate.
In the middle is the baby who is not almost full grown....but I thought the pictures on the wall were worth keeping....look  at that baby face being held by a zoo handler...and then the just born being carried by Mom.

This is baby..I spared a pooping picture - but amazingly he walked up and down a ladder to walk  the mote in between the area and where we were standing...the sticks he is eating are bamboo..looks like he gets his fiber. I have a video...but can't get  it uploaded 
I am not super happy at zoos...but I have to say many of the animals were is more space and cleaner cages that the Roch zoo...I was very impressed with the condition and then I came to the Panda section and it was love a first sight....First never have seen them so awake and free..so this is mostly....a was picture day.


JoAnn said...

Great pictures of the pandas! Also so happy to know that you are feeling better. I finally figured out how to post comments - duh!!

Anonymous said...

Love the Panda pics! Did you read my email??

M with K

Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...