Saturday, February 11, 2012


I was up with food and shower and ready to go to Burma at it is now 6:15 in the evening and I am just doing yesterday...  very nice day.... starting with my class and then breakfast and the market where i bought some shoes.
This is the market that I use to go to in the morning to get my donut...but since I am eating  better and doing the donut....but you will be happy to know that Duncan, Kentucky Fried and Sizzler have arrived.   this is the waroros market.  The shoes were fun...and here are the way they display them.  In the top a picture of the "changing" booth...  It is hard o do the market without some food.
And speaking of food...I was interested in the the coconut process so here is a little view of that...
I continue to find it an art to know which is to be used for coconut juice and which is for raw coconut.
And finally these two faces were very interesting..both in in pensive meditation and one engaged in her needlework.
As I have stated, I have had an issue and concern about my cat...which a non cat lover is fault for the situation... A neighbor finally found the watcher and the cat is good... not being about to get a response is like having a whole in your balloon... you try to just walk about without paying attention... but the balloon  becomes a focus..... today I went to Burma... but that is for another day

1 comment:

Joyce said...

Glad to hear that your cat is ok! Can you show me the front of the shoes?!

Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...