Monday, October 01, 2012

Numbing out….

I have never understood how people can say, I am going out to drink to numb out or forget.  Drinking to excess has always caused me to do the porcelain prayer..lord if I ever get out of this feeling, I will not do it again.  Having lived a couple of years, I know that adversity, pain, mistakes, confusion are the times that I am forced to take a look, examine, and decide what I need to do to not end up with my head, heart, and soul in the garbage pan or toilet.  When we are sailing along, it is rare that we say, let me step out of my life and examine my motivation.   And yet who wants an unexamined life.. a life of taking up space.

If we can see pain as opportunity , we might not like it, but it is when we start to deal.  When I was working with folks as a therapist, I found some people just liked to spend their money and talk about the same thing over and over.  I could not listen to it over and over.  They had a boring story life and they loved having the story to hold on to.. for if they really put that aside, what story would they have?  They were usually people who did not like free time but wanted to be booked so they were doing.   You want to know what is making you sick then you have to take the time to look at what you are eating/drinking and how you feel about it.. and change your diet, attitude, and/or perception or continue to repeat your life story…until you don’t even remember that you wanted to be your best person.

If you are mindful, you know what and how much you are consuming.  If you have compassion for yourself, you will be moderate and if you have moved beyond self-loathing, you will see yourself as perfect and not treat yourself or allow another to treat you as an object.  So for today… I will cherish myself and others with mindful compassion.

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Eleventh Day

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