Thursday, November 22, 2012

Meditation made complex

I read once that anyone who had an hour a day, half hour in morning and evening, did not need to meditate.   It is the rest of us bloke  that can's quiet our minds under the stress of family or lack of family  and job or lack of job etc. than need 10 min. to just settle in... slow up and breath.  You can shave the 10 min off by not making brain surgery out of what to wear to work or have for breakfast.  Some of us have perfected pessimism, procrastination and negative thinking... but get over that and try this.
Get up...say hello to the universe or whoever has ended in your morning bed.
Light a your alter, night stand coffee machine or wherever you can spend 10 min. ... make it a smelling one... or lit a non smelly and incense.
Take a shower and let water jun on your head to get your blood flowing so your eyes can focus.
Return to the candle.. sit - on chair or cushion...set your timer for 11 min.  set your gaze about 5 feet away... and start to breath slowly while counting to 10 on the out breath.

you can do this..

at the end, set your intention for the day...


spend another day letting the world beat you up, running around not getting much done..

My Thanksgiving gift to you

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