opportune conditions when they come,
them when there are none,
until conditions ripen,
force a thing to be done".
Zen Master
Sheng Yen
This is the time of the year that I do my annual review of the
past year and set my intent on having the Best Year Yet for the next year. I think when I hit mid-point, which statistically
for most is around mid-40; I began to watch my actions a little closer. Now I did not change much for several more
year - still chasing the great ah…..of physical contact with another
and giving great meaning to living one moment at a time without much thought of
what it was doing to me, my body or my spirit and surely any one or thing that was involved.
I was finding I was “suffering” with morning after “what did I do
last night” and at the same time thinking “is this all there is …..”. I found
myself in the middle of a party with people I really didn’t know and did not
want to know having a “great time”. There was noise, I didn’t have to think too
much, I wasn’t alone, people told me I was interesting and if they wanted more
of my body, I was attractive. It was all
emotional cotton candy or like going to a cheap buffet, you overeat and then
wonder who is dancing in your digestion system screaming you ate the whole
Sometimes when asked, do
you remember where you were when…. I cringe for I might have been in the midst
of a steaming three way high with only one eye on the one step for man one step
for mankind. What changed… I started to
do an inventory of my life and actions after someone accused me of being
abusive "player" To some degree, I was. I used or objectified
people to help me numb my emptiness. I
was gifted with the kind of personality that could easily engage people and get
them close. This was a great attribute. I made a living with it as a therapist but I also used or abused it. I would walk into a room
and set my sights on what I thought would make me happy and went after it. And more times than not, I succeeded and I
was happy for a little but then hungry again. In dealing with my obsessions I discovered the middle way and began to understand opportune conditions in a new manner. I like myself much more and find great joy in almost everything. Things come easier and yet much closer to the essence of life rather than the surface skating. I see things that once were just a blur and now have meaning. I can be happy alone in the room. I am cautious and selective in my relationships to people, places, causes, and things. When I invite someone into my life, it is a meaningful commitment. While quiet is my best friend, joyful noise is also my friend, but too much noise hurts my ear/soul. The key is to grasp, create, and wait for the opportunity to know yourself and to thy own self be true.
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