When I see the Elle's on the Elephant Nature Park website, I can hear them, smell them, and feel their skin. The Park has changed much since I first went. You could get much closer as a visitor but even having to keep some distance, it is worth the effort to go spend some time and see the herd has it moves through life.

This trip will be a little different. I am going over and will do my routine for a few weeks and then return to Bangkok to meet my "younger sister" Kim and show her the big city and then bring her north. She was here at New Years and so we will go from snow to heat in just a few weeks. We will go to the ENP for an overnight and then north to the Nest. She will be in Thailand for a few weeks. I will possibly go back for a week of service or do a retreat. Same same but different.

The hard part of going is leaving my little furry family. I thought I would put some pictures on my blog so I can take a reminder look at them every once in awhile. While Tucker Dog is not mine, he could be since I take him out for a bath room break and tend to his inside accidents. He will have a birthday this month and at the ripe age of 15 is older than I in dog years. It is getting more difficult for him to walk and he is not digesting his food well so he is very thin.

I have been feeding the birds and this has been like getting cable for the "boys". They spend long hours looking out the window at the flock. By the end of tomorrow, I will have finished $50 of feed/peanuts.....I will get more before I go, but I don't know that Jim will have this on his list of tasks.... Mickey has the white bib and the farm cat, Lucky is on the left. Happy cats!

When I took this shot of Missy (AKA Bitchy Missy) I did not correct the eyes... that is so her. except she is usually talking about what she doesn't like which is most things. Not that she is not interested in the birds, but she has better things to do, like preen her beautiful body. She is such a "girl".
So for anyone who has wondered what has happened to me in the past few weeks....busy with a capital B. My only big task is to make changes in my will, move my money into investments and pack... then I will be able to say.... another beautiful day in paradise.
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