This was the last day for Kim in the land of smiles. She surely added to the smiles..both for me and for those that she passed. On several occasions she was asked if she was Thai. We did this day like every other.... we got up...organized...did the hotel thing...moved her stuff to Kristi... then we were off for a 2 hr body scrub and oil... The Ellie on our bodies were the only thing not scrubbed and unfortunately I was back to the regular underwear...(phat said don't even bother...but as bad as it is to have a bandage when you need a sling...i wore it..and now talk higher)..
I will help Cheryl arrange a time with Phat. she is such a very nice woman...and i trust her with my bare essentials.
we then jumped on the scooter....raced to the base of the hill for the Doi suthep and found a songtow to take us up... we wondered about for an hour...putting a Kim bell on the wall and I booked a 3 day retreat for march 4-5-6. another new adventure for me. There are always choices and we probably should have had more time...but we did what was important... I actually thought the massage would be 1.5 hrs... and it was 2.
We then sped home as fast as the traffic would permit..Kim showered and she was off in a tuk.
What was very funny for me was to watch the scooter man taking a look at the hot chick in the back of the tuk.....and life goes on....and where will be Kim's next venture.
As for me... I went back to bonny...checked in for the night at the unaircon kristi...for $9 a night and had dinner with Jeannine ...ran into H&H and ended the evening enjoying a very rich dessert...and life goes on
It is now after 10...had my morning scare myself with..thinking I lost my camera until i remembered putting it in the cupboard....i will organize my stuff and spend the day being easy. i was going to take a long ride..but need some sleep and to kick the cold that is trying to crow in my head...not bad...but I want it gone before root canal on Monday... I will have dinner with Cheryl...something we rarely do and well will both be without our companions... so same same...but different.
Bonny with a 'Y': You're missing your calling - You and Beth should team up to provide in-depth tours of Thailand. You'd be great at it !
I definitely agree! From all the photos, it looked like Kim truly enjoyed her visit and was able to immerse in the culture. She was always smiling!!
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