Friday, March 01, 2013

The two second delay revisited

I am coming to have an appreciation for the process of insight meditation and more, why meditate. I thought it was to quiet your mind but I am beginning to get a glimpse that it has more to do with training your mind for life. When you consciousness is presented with a stimulus, there is a non emotional assessment is this something I like or don't like. The unchecked mind can can use the second moment of delay and spring into action and put emotion behind the assessment in the manner of craving and aversion. To put this into an example. You are just sitting eating your lunch and along comes a delicious non-emotional mind if you have your 2 second delay, you are engaged in a craving and are thinking...mmm that would be nice and it is then up to many factors, some beyond your rational mind and if you act upon.... I want that for dessert... you are on a slippery slope toward complications and in the long run, most probably someone will get hurt. However, if you have your adult mind working, you can say, I am in a relationship and while flirting would be a fun game, it could be dangerous. Or you might say, let's get out the first level of criteria re bringing someone into your life... such as, is this person a mass murder etc.. and you start the process of assessment toward continued contact etc. Now in the end, having gone through many levels of criteria, you might end up with clothes on the floor, but you have been in control of the mind and are aware of what is happening and have passes through some time and space to a level of understanding what you are doing rather than having the mind give the throttle to ego.... who says...mmm the other person thinks I am delicious also... mmmm sounds like a picnic.... mindfulness does not take away passion and in fact adds to it for when the desert finally is served....the consumer is more aware of what the goo is made of.... and hence the teenager becomes an adult... but learning about craving and aversion....and they lived happily ever after......

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