Monday, March 04, 2013

There is limited lighting for early morning writing since the bathroom light is on the flicker phase so I put on the aussie tv and I must stay I have to turn off the sound.  They talk so fast and then slow up for one or two words.... very hard to understand.... 
Sunday night we had a real down pour at about 5:30 to 6ish... I got to the coffee shop and moved a chair to a small dry spot outside and watch the rain.   I stopped just after 6 and everyone opened up and the shoppers for the Sunday market comeback alive.  Had my first was really good...Mediterranean...thin crust....and a chang... 
Monday was more of the same... downpour then clear.   The first came as I had my peanut butter and dark bread in between Qigong and Acu.  Fortunately, I bought a raincoat which is something like a shower curtain made into a coat with a hood.  A very good 35 bhat investment and you can wear it on the scooter...which was a good thing since it was raining for the dentist travel.   We are getting closer to new teeth and with luck that will be complete on Weds.  I had planned on going to the movies last night...but I am not supper found of night driving out of the old city and with the dark rain... to a very out of the way place... so a baked potato and a mango shake sounded like a plan.  
I will venture back to the Hilltribe market to day after the cranial is more or less on the way and while it will be hot and raining...might get lucky and try to locate the scraps that are selected.  i bought a bunch of other stuff  the other day and now I will have the creative opportunity to figure what to do with the stuff.  
I like to spend about a minute shopping... ok ...does it fit can I live with the color and can I afford it... ..ok..bag it and I am out of here.  I have now been to the purse shop three times... and probably will not buy one.   i have been to every bookstore  and probably not buy an other book...  getting into wind down time....


JoAnn said...

Enjoy the remaining time in the land of smiles. Hope your lovely smile is fixed soon without too much discomfort. We head out tomorrow for DC where we catch the autotrain to Florida. Guess where an awful winter storm is headed right now........DC, of course. Oh well, it is what it is. I'll still keep up with you during our travels - will have all electronic devices along!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'll take your rain over our snow, any day ! Winter hasn't been bad, but I think it's time for it to leave. You be careful on that scooter !!!!!!!!


Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...