The road to Crater was not that long but it was a one lane with construction. I am now speed shy so it says 55 and I am holding at 60. Only half the people passed me. You could see the devastating effects of forest fire and isolation of the desert. Stan and I have worked out an agreement about the car which appears to have us both happy. I drive and Stan sleeps. Then Stan sits inthee drivers seat and I sleep. This morning I was asked if I missed Stan. It was 49 last night. Fortunately my thermal blanket keeps my body heat in or Stan would have been opened up and on top. I did have some comments put into the air yesterday. "what is with the reading material? I thought Stan might enjoy this Baga but no . Also it was noted that the other books were more of the same. Meditation, Kornfield, etc. When I was on shopping boat to Vancouver, I saw a Binchy book. While they had some (sex said in a whisper by my Mom) she enjoyed the tales about Ireland and I bought it to see if she has improved. About the same. So I left the book out for Stan. The camp ground was booked when I got here. I was happy I had pre booked. G31 was at the back of the park but not far from the comfort station. I did not shower in 49 degrees but will wait for mid day. I had a chance to talk with a few of the PCT walkers. The woman from Australia who is walking alone started at the Mexican border and will end tn Canada. She just picked up a refuel package of food she sent herself from Ashland. The record was just broken but it takes a long time to walk 3600 miles. This gal weight was about 110 and she carried 70 pounds. Beyond my imagination. My little marathon of one day of her walk was a killer for me. To get up every day and think of doing way Again another lesson in what is important and the need for the pause. I am off to get into a trolley and spend two hours with a ranger and then take my poles and walk 3 miles.
Took some time off in the afternoon and then had a very good veggie meal at the Carter Inn.
I am meeting interesting people. The tour Rangers who was very short has been a ranger at Yellowstone, grand Teton, Everglade etc. The there is the park post man who picks up the mail and delivers to other post offices as well as the Park. Lots of PCT boxes.

Stan enjoys the drivers seat

One of the few ore deposits in the volcano deposit
This is a squirrel that liked my writing table
This is going to be my next toy. Might mount it on the Grey Goose when I am not on Beverly.
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