Saturday, January 18, 2014

morning after

It is a good day today so I will write more after my meditation class. After the dental work yesterday, I was numb until about 10. At around 8:30, I started to itch on my chin so much that I thought I might have hives.  I had to be very mindful so that I did not dig my skin. Around 7:30, I figured out I could drink a beer without the liquid flowing out of the bottom lip. When I was in the dental chair, she gave me two very long injections and then when I expressed some feeling of discomfort, she did a third shot directly into the root. So all that numbing made my mouth go into a great sleep. Around 10pm, I stopped for some pasta and a glass of wine. When I got home,  the neighbors had lost track of time and were solving world problems so I took a pain pill and went to sleep. Good night for me and headache for the neighbors.
Met Henry on the road to breakfast and he came back to join me. There are few Americans here for a long stay but many Canadians,  Germans, etc.
Last night from 7 to 8:30pm,  I went to the celebration of the anniversary of the Documentary Arts Asia and bid on a photo.  I left before the bids so not sure if I am now the owner.  Since I will need to send home sky lanterns, there will be a Dhl box to ship.
The long story is, the tooth does not hurt. There might be a crack in it so next week will tell if it is fixable.  I am off with my camera. The big thing here us "fuzzy focus...I am old looks out of focus to me.  So
Chan mai koi sa baai dee ka.

Sa wat dee jaak Bonny ka

1 comment:

JoAnn said...

Glad you got feeling back and the work went well.

Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...