I am on a little bit of a hold today since my dental apt is tomorrow and then I will know when to schedule the Reiki class, the Thai language class etc.i want to start both soon so I can work more on my self and my accommodation to this culture. My lessons in my practice has settled on the concept of compassion. From the readings of today I am learning how to be grateful for enemies. When things are calm. I can be calm, but when I am hit with the brick, it is then that my true nature comes out. How arrogant to think that I will not be hit or that no one would want to hit me or think that I should be told "off". It is these things that bring about the cross-roads and help to show the path to patience and compassion. if I did not know pain how could I understand any one's pain. When things are going along, we can think everyone is happy and in the stream...but when you are tossed off path, you can see just how many others are suffering.
A horse of a different color |
Last year I said something to someone I thought to be a friend. I said it with love and the intent of being helpful. Months later I found that not only were my words not helpful but were seen as disrespectful. This has made a shift in the relationship and in my opinion we are much less connected and I engage in much more chatter. Not everyone is a friend, even if family. Not everyone is interested in my thoughts. I am and I see my struggle and effort and smile for it is the effort not the progress. I see I am miles from where I was. There is only a shadow of the was self..but some will take more comfort in holding the old picture they do not like. It is all good.
You can look and see the imperfect or the potential or the shape orthe color
There is no right.
What we eat affect how we live and work and see the world.
So goodbye for now.
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