Friday, January 03, 2014


It all started with the pause. You don't realize you are slipping away your authentic self until you look in a non ego mirror and and you see a slight shadow of who you know your self to be. Living intentionally takes patience and practice. To have the right view you need to wear ego less lenses and put great energy into your own life. When you are doing a project or working on a task, you give permission to vary from the routine of your core life ..meditation, right food, rest, , etc you eat up your reserves both your emotional and physical capital and eventually you take away from the joy of the task since you are both tired and without routine.

1 comment:

JoAnn said...

Very true. I'm afraid my pause has turned into a vacation! Going to try to make small changes each day and get back on track. Difficult to look at oneself through an egoless mirror!

Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...