Monday, December 15, 2014

Forest and not the trees (SB)

I had a good thought as I read this morning. When you are sitting and not thinking, planning, projecting, plotting etc….many times, situations from the past present themselves in a very real way. They actually become your Now, they are so real… The difference is, with some practice, you can step out and be the observer watching not one you, your actions, your feelings but each person in the scenario – their actions and feelings as well as the scene of the scenario.

With compassionate eyes, you can see the feelings and thoughts of all. In therapy, you relive the event, you are there and it is the process of therapy for you to get into and feel your feelings rather than just observe. – you are feeling sorry for little bonny that was so misunderstood and who did not have a clue about herself etc. Like grief for a friend, it is grief for your loss rather than whatever happened in the loss of the friend..… and in many ways selfish.

So when you sit in meditation – a mindful manner, you observe remembering that many of the true details are lost in the time passed..and your memories are not necessarily fact…. and then you take it all and toss it in the air and let the wind take it… What comes to the ground is yours to use as fertilizer for your forest for some of it has made you who you are…. In your forest, when you clear the bush, undergrowth etc.. you will find a magnificent tree, just waiting to grow strong and tall.

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