The boat ride was a high point. Lucky for us, we were staying at the Garden and the bus came there to pick us up... hence we were the first on the boat and were told to sit up next to the driiver when we were on two long soft cushions and had several behind us as back rests. Our feet were a little cramped but we had the best seat....looking back and able to take photos on either side.
The rest of the happy crew got on accross from the Apple. There were two boats that travelled together helping to watch how the other was riding on the water. The journey was about 4 hours with one real pit stop and one get out and lighten the boat stop. The river is a shallow windy waterway with no navigational marks that I could see. The motorman was magical

The longboat arrives with the water cool engine and we put our gear in the front and sit in the back

In the front of the boat was a man from Chicago... whom we called Chicago and that could be an entire blog, a man from france/germany, and a couple and their children
An Italian couple who were worried about their bag which got tossed on the other boat to lighten ours..and a french couple. I think she has an earache or she swallowed a pickle. The woman with the back to me was the wife of the german/french couple... The boat has a metal bottom which is a very good thing since we went bang bang on the bottom or the top of rocks several times.

This is a hollowed log with a young boy with a stick
The pic below are tourist on a raft expedition...
same same but very different
This a fixer upper that probably you could buy cheap.
flat bottle boats are tied up at the edge The pic below is the driver of the other boat
We made two to let the others walk to the other side of a narrow pass. Henry and I sat near the engine to help keep the bow up. And we stopped at a pit stop which they had a squeeky violin player and a snake with a little boy that was put in the middle of the snake. When we got to shore there was a truck which we ungracefully crawled into and out of ..... spent the night in ChiangRai and then we took the vip bus back to home base.