Saturday, March 14, 2015

Meditators of every style and shape

You just show up at the Wat and tell them how long you are staying. People who are serious and those that think it would be a lark are all there. A German woman and her friend, who for the most part was serious, spent much of the free time talking about those that talked They also wondered why more people were not sitting more. I finally asked why they were not sitting and their talking was disturbing my reading time.

The winners were a trio of blondes who remarkably were not from CA, but UK. They came in all smiles. Just graduated from "college" were about 19 and had majored in textiles and accounting or some other strange combinations. They missed "lunch" the first day and had it with the food rations the second day. So, at about 5 rather than sweep, they changed and walked to the minimart to but chips etc.. They disappeared and did not make evening instruction more morning sit. I know them, they were me at the time of my graduation. The best part, as I walked through the Saturday Market… there they were…. Same smiles and surfer attitude.

The last day, I did not ask anyone to go to the forest with me.. I just walked out with the deer, cows, and roosters and sat quietly.

1 comment:

candy said...

We are all looking for something same same but different. Missing your smile

Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...