What do you do all day?
What do you do when you go to the mountain? What did you do today? On occasion, I think of my life as being in
the fourth quarter. A wave a sadness
come over me for a few minutes and then I think if I live the rest of my life
in a mindful and awake manner, I will have more life ahead than the 95%
bullshit I have squandered my time on. Who
cares about most things that were once so important? Oh, I
will still play a video game because I am too tired to do much else and I have
never been a good napper. Oh, I
will still say stupid things because I
haven’t developed some special sensing
device that would make everything nice.
My Mother was nice. She hated that people saw her as nice, but
she was nice. If you said, I like brown
sugar on my ice cream she would say, that’s nice dear. She was nice.
I might say, I can see your hormone imbalance tilting with the sugar
overload. My mother would say, be
nice. I would say, why? But who am I being nice to or about?
I stepped into the shit this year by telling someone
something about themselves that they apparently do not know about
themselves. Everyone else knows but he
didn’t know or denies or hopes no one notices.
I would hope any good friend would say…. You have spinach in your
tooth. Probably not nice. Better to let you get home and look at your
reflection and say, shit, I have spinach in my tooth. If I had to do it over again. I would say nothing. Not to be nice, but I caused myself anguish
and if I am not kind, aka nice, to me, who will be.
I am beginning to be more observant of the walking wounded
that are marching about me. Swollen
ankles, bent legs, non-smiling faces stuck on the fact that life was not as
kind as they think it should be. People are walking about pulling steamer trunks
of pity me crap. The young folks wear clothing that are falling off of one
shoulder or has material hanging a foot longer on one side. What is that about? I hear less laughter from most, more finger clicking
about some vital conversation about the
95% bullshit stuff to people they will not know in a year but is oh so
important today.
So what if you eat the desert first! Or you
never eat desert? I am going to change
my motto from it is all good to let it
be. Sounds like a song. I am thinking
of my family or families. I had two families, father’- austere Germans and mother’s smiling but
dishonest Irish. Neither talked about
anything that mattered much. Father’s clan
didn’t joke or laugh much but were scholarly and severe even when relaxing.
Mother’s jokes a lot, read but ever discussed the book. Both ate or many be over ate. Mom and Dad never parted angrily and called each other dear or
sweetheart. They were a good couple and appeared
to have made it work for them. The rest of the family hardly hugged.
When I was up on the mountain,
I thought about physical contact. I
could not remember the last time someone hugged me. I probably give an impression that I am not a
hugger but not true. I am thinking of a
website that you might connect with that would just say… do you need a hug… Mmmm. Well,
do you? I would hug you even if you
were a micromanager because we all need
that little human contact so we remember we are not just a doing machine.
I am off to listen to classical music and let my soul be
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