Tuesday, December 01, 2015


“Addiction is the relentless pull to a substance or an activity that becomes so compulsive it ultimately interferes with everyday life.”  

I don’t know who the author is, but I do know that I got it on the Internet.  I am an IA - Internet Addict. I am into my fourth week in Asia  and I have already been involved in
     A three-hour Webcast – “Why calories don’t count”,
     two daily videos on spiritual and one health-related information
     purchased two Kindle books – 
                  one how to be a better blogger and the other on using all your full brain,
     played three regular Sudoku games a day and
     can make bulletproof coffee in my sleep. 
All while sitting in a little bungalow with aircon in southwest Asia.  

I have a neighbor that gets out of his room for an hour around 11 am for breakfast, 4-8 pm for a beer break and maybe some dinner.  Twice a week he goes to a bar for dinner (know because I hear him come crashing home) and the rest of the time he is in his bungalow and could be in Minnesota if it were not for the snow.  

 I will not throw a stone even though I get two healthy meals, Qi Kong daily, acupuncture twice a week and about three messages, do at least something inspiring daily and have contact with someone other than those in our compound or sharing a Leo.  Our common thread is IA – and in our connection – Sudoku.  

I do keep a Leo in my frig for those sweltering times when I come back from a long ride in the  94-degree sun and think I must get some thirst quenching fluid into my system.  I am limiting my Leo to one at dinner and my eating plan is more under control than my time plan.  I hope to drop 10 pounds this year so that will mean a pound a week.  I can justify most of the IA related to food for I wanted to get a plan that I could live within this environment which is more of a challenge when you don’t have a kitchen. In looking over my calendar, I eat out a great deal at home also.   Life at home will change after my video education.

In conversation with the compound mates last night, I said I take no medication for anything and only B12/B complex and my Hawthorne Stem Cells when my heart starts to pound.   They all looked at me in disbelief and added, they don’t know anyone over 50 that doesn’t take many meds.   The best part of Thai TV is no one is telling you that you will feel better if you take x or you will have more sex drive with y.   

With the scooter, I don’t get enough exercise. Today at 5 pm I will join a group doing Zen Swimming.  They meet 3xs a week and I will do that for a few weeks since swimming is my Waterloo and I am determined to overcome.

Next I will find an IA group.

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Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...