Monday, January 08, 2018


    I wonder if there is ever a time when you permanently get your “head on straight.”  That was a family expression that I often heard along with scatterbrained when I left my sneakers on the bus.   Now I am more concerned with dropping the “permanently” part.  Life is a dance.  To be able to hold doing the foxtrot in a rap world must be cultivated.  Cultivated does not mean working toward a perfect me for that puts the process into expectation.   Expectation requires seeking and some goal beyond the Here/Now.   With no expectation, you are neither disappoint or elated but dancing in the Here/Now foxtrot of pay attention.

     Pay attention is more focused than awareness.  Last night I rode the streets at 8:30, I was paying attention to the traffic, as I should be.  I was less aware of the whole picture than what was in front of my scooter.  As soon as I put me here and the rest of the world there, I create a duality.  When I am aware, while I am part of the picture, I am not the focus nor is the surrounding area the focus. Labels are dropped as in good bonny bad bonny …it is just bonny on a chair at the computer in a room in a building in a city on earth in a universe, etc.

     Maybe there is  a second part of the head on straight, and that is “get out of your own way.”  I think of so many times when I thought… if only they would act in this way my world would be better or perfect.  As I start to look at life from a different view I can often see that in many situations I consciously put me on top of the heap or the star of my show rather than stepping back and viewing the scene from a less emotionally invested point of view.  The glass of water is just a glass of water – not a good glass of water or my glass of water or the answer to my thirst or hydration needs.  Water, bonny, morning  ---- all at the same Here and Now…. Without wonderful water, nice bonny and good morning.

     Two people in the same place and time require less conscious judgment and labels and more Here and Now awareness. 

1 comment:

JoAnn said...

Getting out of my own way is my biggest challenge!

Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...