Tuesday, February 13, 2018


     The first time I went around the mountain, I went by myself.  It is 100K to do the entire trip.  It has hairpin turns and switchbacks, but it also has vista and rest stops that are breathtaking.   A photographers dream.  I have done the mountain every year since and every year I sit at one of the rests and say, wow... wouldn't John or Joe really enjoy this trip. 
     In the spring, Joe said he was going to Vietnam and then come to Thailand with Cheryl.  He followed that by saying he would get a bike.   Now he wants a 250 and I have a 155 and think it is too big.   I have asked my "men friends" and they say.. 155 or less.   I have told Joe that I could ot support his rental of a big bike.  It is too big for the mountain and much too big for the street.
     I had an ok time in Vietnam, but have had much better in Thailand.  I don't think I would want to go again.
    So when I went on retreat, I opted not to do the 21 days because Joe would be coming and we would be riding.   The days drop off the calendar.
     There is heavy smog in Sapa and the visibility is about 10 feet.. they are in Sapa and there is nothing to do.  Somewhere along the line... Joe eats something that starts to eat him.   The eruption to his system leaves him longing for the western toilet, his bed, a burger, and normal food.
     Being Joe, he lets me know that he is thinking of not coming to Thailand.   
     Ok....why do we suffer.   We have expectations.   I have expectations.. five years worth..    He is thinking about going home.. He will be ok once his stomach is settled...  He is exploring airlines. He things if he can get to Thailand, he will be ok... boom..   the other shoe
     He will be going home from Hanoi to Tokyo to Chicago to home.   Boom.
     We cause ourselves to suffer..    I feel the pain of the loss of the expectation of riding and stopping for a beer.. and laughing at the adventure with my friend.    ouch.

ps.   I took joearena14@gmail.com, off the distribution.. so he will not get this post.   

1 comment:

JoAnn said...

Too bad, Bonny. I know that you were really looking forward to his visit. Sad for Joe - hope it isn’t anything serious. It’s funny how we romanticize something in our heads and many times the experience turns out to be totally different from how we imagined it. Hope the rest of the crew is still coming and you can have a decent visit.

Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...