I have made my initial trip to the Rimping and purchased a few things like a cutting board, tea, and ground coffee.
Making coffee in my coffee press has been a challenge, and I have cleaned the bathroom several times. But, after three-four tries, I have made coffee successfully that is pretty good, and the room is not full of coffee pot drips.
My first long ride, as in three hours, resulted in a few pictures. So I am now taking shorter trips to a destination so I can pull in what I see and try to get some interesting shots. So far a few are ok in my view.
They must have been a thriving Wat for a long time since they have many temples and in the one, about 25 monks in wax or bronze. I liked the hiker.
There is something so pure about the monk shoes outside the Wat as they are vacuuming inside. There are very few people here, so the buzz of the vacuum has a definite rhythm.
When I was about to leave, this very happy nun went to the little stand where they were selling the banners and lanterns. She picked up some silver flowers and looked so very proud. There were folks there taking her picture, and when she saw I was also about to take a shot, she turned an posed ... I immediately thought of Fr Alan from CH... the same ...I see myself beautiful and essential.... attitude. And I smiled.
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