I have a few pics that are downloading.. so I will try to remember what I sent in what order so you can see what I am up to... After the blog set up etc. Beth and I went to a bead store where she gave the woman an amulet to put on a beaded necklast.. then we went to a street vendor and I had rice with morning glory and pork.. I pick out most of the pork.. but it is delicious. The woman cooking was a middle aged woman but when you see other pictures you will note how attractive she is. This is where she cooks.. she has some things in the plastic, some in the window and then a cook store behind her. She is working on a thick piece of wood and uses a cleaver for everything. The pot in front of her is the rice. The little place had about 6 tables with flimsy plastic chairs and condiments on the table.. always hot chilli, fish oil, sugar, salt and napkins.. which usually are toilet paper. You eat everything with the spoon and only use the fork to push the food on the spoon. The meal was 100 baht.. for 2 beers, my morning glory and beths chicken/rice and stuff.. that is about 3.20. I ended the day with an other plate of friend rice and veggies.. ( and a few chung in the middle).
You can eat very well on $10 a day. I can also tell you that there are some very strange practices which rather jar at your sensiblity.. They put this pork outside in the 90 degree heat to dry. I did not take a close up.. but the flys also have to eat.

When we were eating, there were some motor cycle folks waling buy with big boots and off road gear.. the place was just up the street. The pics are not great, but the trip looked very interesting. They go to all the sights in the north and even have the bike taking accross the river by boat.
But the beer was taking it's toll and I had to use the luv. I can squat.. and there are many squats.. but when I came to the Ginger tea and Boutique.. I thought no squat there.. I forced myself to have a piece of chocolate cake.. with mango jelly and whipped cream. with a pot of ginger tea with honey.. mmmm and that was 120....20 more than lunch and beer for two. What I think is the real amazing thing is a bottle of chung can ge 350 in a high end place and 38 at the mini mart.. really gives meaning to same same but different.
When I walked along the alley's and took pictures, I found people had sleeping quarters in almost any place. this is one of the more spacious places. I thought the little curtains in this dark alley were a sweet touch.
There are many great fruits here. Beth and I split a passion fruit this am.. I love that.. but you do get your teeth full of seeds. This is a picture of some very large tamarand.. the pods have a brown fruit and a large seeds.. you don't bite in . but peel the skin and then eat the fruit.. and extract the black pit.
Ok now from my massage of the day. (you will have to shoot your own pictures for this one.. oor not...)
I was so hot and sweating and my ankle is sore from walking and tripping on sidewalk that is not there.. so I decided to have a shower and have an oil massage. I thought I could get a scrub and then oil.. but they don't scrub. I washed up pretty carefully, but on a soft shirt.. no socks but my wholy shooes and thai pants. I went back to the glow and it would be 400 baht. (about 12.50). They washed my feet and gave me tea.. nice.. then I have to put on slippy things and walk up two flights of stairs.. I think if I can get to the top.. I will live through the rest. We go into the room and she says take off and starts taking off my shirt.. I take everything off... in this little room with the massage person getting stuff ready. up or down.. down.. I am now buck naked on the small table... she lathers and rubs and moves what feels like a tea towel around on my butt.. with me trying to think my body under a bush.. well sometimes the towel is covering the central area and sometimes.. off to one side or the other.. I am thinking.. I will never see her again.. and I can make my body as small as I would like in my mind.. I was very small. She picks up a leg.. and moves it to one side and then the other. and I am then thinking what little hair I have on most parts of my body... while I thankful for what I have on my head.. oh I wish I were a strong italian woman with a great crop. Ok.. she did not oil on about 2-3 inches of my body from the waist down.. then it was flip over time.. beached whale came to mind.. I just kept my eyes closed.. and attempted to keep my legs closed hoping she did not think she should not miss a spot. The Thai women appear very interested in large breasts.. While my knees are not too flexible.. I can tell you my stomach can move from one side to the other like great gel and my breast can almost go to my back .. when massaged. I was trying to do my buddha counting .. one whap to the right.. slather slather.. two... whap up.. whap down.. I was about to fear sliding off the table.. like a wet fish.. but she used the towel and mopped me up.. ah.. all this for 12.50 when I finally was able to get up.. I thanked her.. (primarily for leaving off the 2-3 inches of body space not whapped and lathered... ) and told her I was not putting on slippers.. I got my clothes off the floor as she made the bed and asked me how many babies I nursed with those .. oh god.. get out.. it was now striking me very funny.. as I put on my socks.. and underware.. and bra.. and shirt..and pants.. and got out of the shop... and put on my shoes. As I walked down the street,,,,I could feel the oil on my body... sounds like a good time for peanuts and a beer... love to all...
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