Thursday, February 12, 2009

First Night

We had a smooth flight after we say goodbye to our friends. They had a veggie meal and all was well until we got here and then there was no pick up at the airport. We found a young woman who spoke Eng and asked her to call the hotel. They said, take a cab and it should be about $7. I knew I should be getting more AM in Cambodia... I found a cab and we negotiated for 8$. Out hotel was about in Webster from Greece through terrible traffic. Motorcycles everywhere going in every direction. I had to close my eyes several times when I thought we were about to be hit. After about a 1/2 hr we made it to the hotel. Well not exactly. The hotel is in the night market. While it is very quiet on the 5th floor, itis in the night market. The cab left us as the curb. We checked in, got the air running and bathroom and set off to find money and food. This is a beef and fish the food was not easy. I went to the ATM and got out 200,000 dung and we went off to dinner. 2 beer, 2 tonic, pumpkin soup and two veggies was 250,000 - I left Page hostage and set off for an ATM. I was very wet by the time I found one and then had to go into a small space and could only get 500,000 out of the machine. This took asking for 1,500,000 and down until the machine did not go nuts. In case you are interested, they will take a $ but preferr the dung.. 17,000 is a dollar. This is going to hurt my head. we ate and have returned to the h0tel. Sorry Joe and JoAnn could not get thru passage...maybe you are to be here. This will be different. I need bath and sleep ..and for your info, I have to bang the space bar twice to make a little space. more tomorrow...b ( no spellcheck_


Anonymous said...

Dung? Sounds like something my dog leaves in the back yard. Glad you too got in safely. We're off to the Jim Thompson house this morning, and last minute shopping (or at least window shopping) this afternoon. Very nice hotel - great shower. Very quiet.

Thanx for all !!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to sign the last blog comment (although I'm sure that you know that is from joe & joann)

Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...