To go back to BKK for a minute. I put my snap from the window in earlier but this is a pic of the grand palace that Joe took with a time and tripod. The wonder of this structure can not be totally appreciated nor can you get all of it in without a panorama lens. We usually end our day with a clink of our Chang/Singha/sparkling water/green tea...same same but different and say here's to another beautiful day in paradise. While there is also dirt noise and traffic it is offset by the sites that stretch the eye and warm the heart.
Weds was a Wat day. We walked about after the acupuncture treatment and lunch at a Mexican restaurant, to the major Wat's of CM. Here we came across a group of young student monks in contemplation. They were not talking and there was an instructor, but they sat in lotus on the cement while folks walked by. I know if they were Zen, they would have gotten a reminder for the posture. The city is really dotted with saffron orange. We are always reminding ourselves not to just run up and give them a nookie.
This is also where there are folks, as in the woman with the hat, who for a $3 charge will let you get a basket of little birds and release them to the universe. This is for good luck and it is really a win win. The birds go free, the person gets a smile, the photo op is good and of course, laying at the entrance of the Wat is profitable. This might be another cottage industry for me to think of to pay for the next trip. The only thing, where could I sit, how would I handle the SPCA and who at home would care to let out another bird...
There are dogs everywhere but there have been a few that will be remembered. Cindy the yorkie in the Sangtow was so cute with here sweater, the brown dog by the ATM who tried to seduce JoAnn to take home since he know this was her 90th trip and could afford him, Micky who lives next door and the one on the motorcycle going down the street standing on four legs on the back of the cycle. No..he is not tied nor attached.. just going down the street perched.
There are a few bugs...some that are flying about and some that are human mosquitoes. Note my hat attached to the belt but also the frog in the hands of the woman on the right. I have been asked to bring one back for a Posse buddy, but I will have to sneak out in the night with a bag over my head and then hide it in an Angel shop bag. Today we go to the Elephants and in addition to the wonder of all of that... we will be croakless,
While it was suggested that I not include a squat, this one, recently built was so visible and pristine that you can really see the structure. In case you have forgotten, you stand on the lip of the "throne" and squat.. the farther down you can go.. the less you splash. In most of the country you do not toss the paper in but place it in a receptacle. Saves on the sewer system. Not that I want to wax on this, but it is amazing how much less one ply paper you can use with this system...
When we went to the gem store the other day, these wonderful young women great you and I reminded the troupe of my arrival last year with 5 miles of walking sweat and a skinned and bleeding arm. I am amazed that even I could walk in.
I am putting this picture next since it is same same but different. The beauty of the women in this group is not in their outward appearance but in their heart.
I am having to keep an eye on Page.. she has been trying to pick up strangers. Here she has stooped to a duck.. put I thought her friends and family might like to see this fun photo of the act
I will end with this picture of me asking directions in BKK. First one and then another came to help. They were each directing us to a different place and pointing and correcting etc. I started to laugh that laugh that only occasionally happens when I see some great cartoon in my head and I was not sure that would not just drop to the gr
ound and roll around. It was worth the trip for my heart and as Joe said, the picture was priceless.
We are off to the elephants today. I got up at 4:30AM to blog since it has been so hard during the day. I will blog again at the nest after our day at the sanctuary with the elephants.
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