Tuesday, February 03, 2009


We think this might have once belonged to a tuk tuk driver that we had. This is attached to the window of a second story window. They way they drive, it could have been airborne and just stuck there. When we moved our room at the no tell motel, we did have a bit of a view. This is a view of the night market standing next to my bed. Not bad. the best part was that we did not have any boom boom music.

The dog are everywhere.. sometimes as in this pic, they are the supervisor and sometimes the security guard. For the most part they just sit about, but they also can come running out and chaise you down the road. This woman is washing some towels for her morning tasks.

I have not been a good blogger. We are busy and the extra time it takes me to be the arranger and tour person takes from the blogger tasks. We will do some catch up later but for those that are blog in the morning people, this might reduce your withdrawal.
The plane experience getting to Chiangmai was a little taxing on folks since we were standing around the airport for a long time. Personally, I did not notice since I was beyond numb. I can not believe it but I bought an expensive piece of jewelry. It is an elephant and since Virginia, the animal lover gave me some $.. it was in her honor. I also bought a gold chain.. so i have around my neck about 2.5 trips to see a live elephant. Every one had a good time and many of you will be blessed by the experience. Joe's expression is about how we all felt sitting there.... while it was not hours, it was long enough and you start to glaze over. On the other hand, JoAnn could be dropped in the middle of a cabbage patch if she had a book, she would be a content person. We are having our breakfast now and then off to the good Dr. The crew is telling me my grub is getting cold. I have been up since 5 and have had my donut and herbal tea.... I am me.. I am good... bye for now


Pat said...

Hello to all...from Pat (AKA Joe's "favorite" sister!)

Cheryl, Please know that you and your family are being held in prayer...

What came to mind when Mother called with the sad news, was the quote that has been on my classroom walls since I began in this profession:

'The only thing that is truly constant...is change.'

(A. Einstein)

May God's grace sustain you all in the days and weeks ahead.

Follwing Bonny's blog has been fascinating...it is wonderful to see where you have been and to read about your day-to-day activities.

Much love,


Anonymous said...

Thanks Bonny, for your descriptive and interesting blog! I am following it with envy, having been to and loved Bangkok and Viet Nam before, but not Cambodia. I am a friend of Page, and send best wishes to you all on this venture. Oh, by the way, the mother with child and a cup -- they are "rent-a-kids" - seriously - it is alleged that the child is slightly drugged so it sleeps most the time, and the elder woman begs for coins. Horrifying factoid from our prospective, but then the culture is very different from ours in many ways! Have fun and be safe!!

Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...