Monday, December 21, 2009

Gold Time in the Golden Years

Sit down and be quiet
You are drunk, and this is the edge of the roof - Rumi
I gave myself time this weekend to put on paper my Best Year Yet Plan. I have had the same vision or paradigm for a few years but each year I change a few words and it gives new meaning to my direction. - I AM MY OWN BEST FRIEND - I SUPPORT MYSELF. This process involves honestly looking at your values, your roles and then identifying a goal for each role based upon your values. I have eliminated a few roles: community, entrepreneur, and employee and have added some elements to the Bonny's Buddy such as writing and photography. A few years ago, when I was asked what I wanted to accomplish in the last quarter of my life, I was taken back with the view of the short distance to the end vs the long space to the beginning of my life. It is like when someone asks, how are the golden years, I cringe. I don't feel nor do I think I act "old". In the BYY process, I did realize that my life energy has shifted toward the Gold Time - Important but Not Urgent. Goethe said - "Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least" This gets into the values... is it more important to produce something great or include those that are on the fringe. Where do you spend your energy in keeping with your goals? When I was working, much of my time was spent in the urgent and not important box - making a profit trumped giving what was needed or doing a task that would give me the spotlight for recognition trumped doing the back room jobs. My house attention gave way to helping others with their house with no hope of reciprocity so my shelter disintegrated but I was a good buddy. I feel good about my top ten goals for the coming year since I think they will help me from running drunk at the edge of the roof.

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