Saturday a long but interesting day. When you fly for so many hours, it is hard on the body and you don't realize it until you are not moving forward as fast or easily. In some ways, climbing to the top of the Temple of the Dawn felt like it always has...and it was not terrible to do the very steep and tall steps but it was also ok for me to stay at level two. This is what I did the last time. When you look around in Thailand, the talk folks are usually western so what were they thinking about the steps. When we went to the Golden Buddha and visited the new temple, the steps are tall but not as tall. It was after many steps and a good deal of walking that my body and I had a little chat about some parts of my body are not as happy to be tramping about as others. When you can't move your big toe too easily, your feet don't like steps since they have to work extra. When I saw Kurt for a massage last, he said that when most people lose their toes, they can walk. He thought I could since I don't use the toes that much anyway. But enough of the body talk until later.

I am enjoying the fact that Monik like myself always wants to see what is around the next bend or corner. So while we see what others see, we also go behind where a man is backing a truck or where the many kittens are living, or see how they are fixing a wall. In the morning, Monika mentioned that she would try not to take a picture of what she has seen.. I always try to take a better picture of what I have seen since I feel I am more familiar and want to see the soul of the object. Again..same same but different.

I took a different route through Chinatown and did not even try to find the three types of worship wat. That was the great fun on the last trip. There is little way to show the many people all shopping for something. How do you make a living selling strawberries..since there is another strawberry person in the next booth The material rolls and the stacks of plastic boxes, etc.. are interesting and you wonder that this goes on and on and on like Khosan. We took the tuk home from the golden buddha after getting our blessing and new string. The diver got his liscense at the speed not safety school and like always a few moment of terror and help along the buddha way... what will be will be. When we got back to the room, shower and nap was good. But then off to more torture. We indulged in an hour foot massage and found that with luck we will walk again. I have had more pain other times but this was a 6 or 7. We ate on the street rice and two sides for a dollar and a big beer from 7/11 and then off for the facial. I don't know what kind of a tool she used, maybe an apple corer but she not only took out the blackheads, but the roots. I have never been so happy for cucumber time in my life. But while I was feeling the fire in my face, she jumped on the bed and started to put her entire body pressure on my legs. I am not sure if it was karma deserved or paying ahead but I am sure today will be a littler step with very clean skin...
1 comment:
the pictures are beautiful... i hope your readers know that if you click on an image, you can view a larger version...
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