an old phone booth now
plant |

This was pedicure and manicure and Thai massage..full body this time. I don't have a great deal of energy so I am content with being very easy.and just going with the flow. My observer was with me today and kept asking..so where are you going..and I kept responding..I'll know when The toe polisher has a boyfriend in the US.. Californian. She talked about him all the time..but I wonder if he will think of here. Toes and fingers 200 bhat...and hour massae 200, museum of Art...200 Ride to the airport..120..same same buf different. Booked my bus for 1 tomorrow and booked this hotel for my final days...and I stepped up to superior. I am putting this picture in now and then wjll show the rest of the story tomorrow. The biggest think I see here is how to make something out of nothing and nothing out of something.. The internet went down yesterday at this point and that was that. I walked to my favorite restaurant and it was closed..but only for Sunday and I will eat there again. I think I have had more jet lag this time or maybe it is that I have no need to keep moving.. I got home about 11:30 and was awake at 2..but really enjoyed my buddha book. Got a scare last evening. when I called the Kristi..they said full..but she had a room for me and will hold it until 6...I get in at 5. My eating has been veggie but mixed cultures. Pizza for dinner, rice soup with veggie for lunch and a banana samosa for desert.. fun. I went to the Gallery yesterday...very sad little place...it aint the Louve.. I think one room at the MAG would fill it. I looked around at dinner last night ans saw young people talking ego and party and the older couples not talking or snapping at each other. Funny the same blabber that was great when they met is the same stuff that sounds stupid now.. My observer is helping me be kind to myself and also helping me not miss anything. I am surprised at how few people have cameras..and how many smoke. This morning Iam watching a frang..woman in her 40's who is having her 4th beer and smoking and having some great conversation with herself. she had a wedding ring on and after looking for many to talk with her has moved on but has left her backpack. I suspect she is a regular and she has not finiehd the last been..so she will probably be finding a bathroom. it is 9:21am and 81 degrees. My airport pickup for 130 will be here at 12:45 ...ah she is back withsmokes. and will talk with someone.. There is such a battle between ones real self and the self we create. Real knows you are ok and don't need to look for or find things from outside..praise, stuff, etc. and the created self had to reinvent itself to keep up who you thnk you are. I know there must be some strong change if i am to live my real life. I also know I need to do two writings.. a real and outside...and I while I don't enjoy writing what I am oblige to write..it is what helped me to write what I want to write....
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