Wednesday, February 20, 2013

ok not so true

I had a detox massage...  not sure if anyone ever had such a think but short of the terrible experience I had with the woman I had in Rochester who beat me up...this was intense.  He works only on your kidneys, spleen, liver, lungs, heart, intestines  and bladder.  The good news... my kidney's and liver are ok.... the bad news...I have 40 years of sadness in my emotional heart that is causing me to have issues.   ok...dumping 40 yrs sounds better than putting a pig valve in my heart and then taking rat poisoning... so I have some work to do.  The interesting things is that 40 yrs is just my KH(T) time... and this trip...Jeni, time in a bottle on the sound system  all have put that time of my life in my back to the couch.
I will see him three more times... this fri and then next mon & thurs...  I must admit that when a very strong man puts his elbow into your stomach and tell you to breath in your nose and out the mouth with a whooooooo sound... and then adds is very hard to do.  I could hardly take in any air and then could hardly make a sound.  I admit I could have cried....
and I thought it would be hard to know the dark side of bonny.... just learning that I have sadness was very painful... and knowing that I am fearless and it will be done... made it easier...
guess my body has not heard....nothing is permanent.


Anonymous said...

But remember, my friend, how many loving members of your 'family' await your return back home. Those of us who's lives would not be as filled with love, had we not known you.

Take care sweetie ...

JoAnn said...

Ditto what brother Joe said. I have never known anyone with a bigger heart and more capacity for joy and acceptance. You will overcome this - don't lose "heart"

CDP said...

you do live your life fearlessly... i wish i could live mine half as fearlessly as you do...


Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...