Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I am on Facebook and according to that I have about 150 friends or at least that many Facebook friends. I have been thinking about friendship and what is the "job" of Friend. A few years ago I was connected to some "important" folks and one invited me to a party in the Hamptons. I was rather surprised and said so with my regrets. The response was I am only inviting 500 of my closest friends. Wow. Would I want 50?
In my study the teaching says there are five ways to maintain a good relationship with our friends- gifts, kind words, looking after their welfare, treating like yourself and keeping your word.
Some of that you can do for many in your life space since many come and go importantly in your life. I think of work friends with most gone, of people who have drifted away or I have let go so I could move on or not be pulled down with as they made choices to sink.
I think friends show friendship when they look after the other who might not be paying attention. This is both the person and the property. Be a refuge when there is danger or deserting when there is trouble. My creed has been a friend is the first person to walk in when the rest of the world walks out.
In looking back I see some that think they have been friends but have run for high ground when I have thrashed. Some who have said "get over it" when I have needed to talk.  Some who look for a flaw...and a few who have just been there.
I will be a more mindful friend even if we are only passing and hope that some will see I need also even when I appear not to need anything.  Enough next pictures.

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Eleventh Day

 Wow, it is easy to slip into a similar pattern to what I had at home. I produced a plan to change many things - delete more emails, eat hea...