Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Coming out of retirement

     I am in training for the Olympics of my life. As an Olympian, there is a need to become religious about your program and in any training process it involves the body mind and spirit.

     In the past days, I have listened to the tapes by some of the big names in the health, fitness, and business and see a very clear link.   They all have had some significant adversity, setbacks, faults start (rather than failure) and have used what they have learned to jump ahead and become better.  They all had learned that when you try and try again and cannot break through a barrier, you redirect your energy and take the success and joy of knowing that you quit and stopped banging your head. 
In the week of my return, my energy level has doubled, my weight is on track, and the toxins are slowly leaving my body.   

     More than my physical state, my mental state is more optimistic and energized.  I am committed to not “going home to the place I left”.  Rather than avoid sleeping or negative people, I run my own race, set daily goals, and go for the gold.  Slowly, I am finding that when I am with non-smiling people, I don’t take it personally and know that they can always leave my company and I can still stay my course.

     Before my leaving my non-Olympic life at home, I was passing the time (or wasting time) and now more than ever, I have a long-term vision of when I want to go.  What I have dropped is the desire to make a difference in the lives of people who don’t want a difference.   There are people, places, and things to do with people who could make me look like a slacker.

    Most of all, I want to learn continuously and put into practice what I learn.   I will share what I know and am learning with anyone who wishes to listen to my example, but I don’t have the time to teach, convince, or drag.

    I watch dear friends eating food that is toxic to their already weakened cancerous body, I watch people make weight loss a program rather than a lifestyle, I look at the bourbon bottle tip to dull the pain of non-joyous lives.  Most of all, I watched myself wanting to be part of lifestyles that I know are not in my best interest and which do not bring me joy.

I have a vision of where I am going and it will be full of fun, safe drinking water, fruits, vegetables, organic protein, probiotics, and people who make a contribution and not just take up space.

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